UT Fire...

If it's not covered by one of those other categories, you should probably talk about it here. Be nice.
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Mother Mo
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UT Fire...

Post by Mother Mo »

I was on the other side of the hill at AP when it happened & wondered why I kept hearing so many sirens. Got to see all the black smoke pouring out on my walk back to the 11th Street garage.


UT sent out this email:

Subject: Fire in Dougherty Engineering Building
Nov. 17, 2006

To UT Knoxville Faculty, Staff and Students
From: Jeff Maples, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Finance and
Subject: Fire in Dougherty Engineering Building

A fire took place today at the University of Tennessee in the
Dougherty Engineering Building. There were no injuries. The fire
began in an automotive lab on the ground floor of the building's east

The professor conducting research in the lab, along with a lab
technician, attempted to put out the fire using the extinguisher on
hand, but were unable to do so. The Knoxville Fire Department
responded quickly to the fire alarm. The fire was contained within 30
minutes. There is extensive damage on the two floors directly
affected by the fire, as well as smoke and water damage in other
parts of the building.

All classrooms, laboratories, and offices in the building will be
closed next week--an already shortened week due to the Thanksgiving
holiday. Faculty and staff assigned to work in the building and
holding a regular appointment will be on paid administrative leave on
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week. Further information
about work assignments and all other activities will be announced
next week. Further updates regarding the building status will also be
announced next week.

UT Police will organize retrievals of personal belongings for those
who work or study in the building between noon and 5:00 pm. To make
arrangements for an escort into the building call 974-3114.
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