NYT ArticleUntil now, the Veterans Affairs department had approved 38 symbols to indicate the faith of deceased service members on memorials. It normally takes a few months for a petition by a faith group to win the department’s approval, but the effort on behalf of the Wiccan symbol took about 10 years and a lawsuit, said Richard B. Katskee, assistant legal director for Americans United.
While reading about this, I also found a couple of other related and interesting links.
Here is all but two of the symbols soldiers may have put on tombs and markers: http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/hm/hmemb.asp. The missing two are the Christian Scientist's cross and crown and the Muslim 5 pointed star. The site says that they are not shown because of copyright issues. Which is weird, because I thought only Scientologists did things like trademark their symbols and copyright their religious texts.
The other thing is http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_pres.htm see how (then Governor) Bush and Al Gore responded when directly asked about Wicca during the run up to the 2000 election.