oh, hellll no grandkids for me,:-x
theres a step before that, and THAT is not happening,
i'm just the eccentric aunt, and i'm happy to be that!

as for other family members wanting it? my mom said she was sending it to me, or throwing it out (as she does with alot of things) and my lil bro is so stuck up in computers he'd probably look at it funny.
which is why i am trying to make sure anything with history in my family gets the story put in the auction with it (so mayby those who buy it can tell the story to their prospective family

most of the important things, my ex threw out, but i do have alot of the good stuff, her handmade scarf, and an "automobile journal" a mini little book from the 10-20s that she (and her sisters) wrote in about where they went in their automobile! (they were on a farm, usually horse transportation) her favorite book of poetry, the sculpture native american boy made for her for teaching him english
i would have rather had some of the more personal things, like the journals from when she as younger, or some of her old notebooks from when she taught in the 40-50s (she taught english on reservations, and also special education classes ), or the sketches and notebooks of inventions my grandfather came up with or even better, the newspaper clippings of the things he did invent (not that i can remember what they were)
im also still trying to find an experienced knitter/crocheter who can finish the afghan that my grandmother never did (i just don't have the skills, i almost ruined it trying to finish it!)
oh i understand the value of older things,

i had a bad habit of raiding the old abandoned burnt down houses near where i grew up, collecting old books that were in the fires and then in the elements for years, cleaning them, and seeing what treasures i found! using brushes to uncover odd shaped rocks in the backyard. i actually was the only person i knew who wanted to be an archaeologist when i was young, but i was steered away from that (quickly) to computers by my computer-guru mom!