I'm nosy. I know we had this thread a while back on the old forums, but there's a lot of new members. And I'm nosy.
Nexxus23- the "Nexxus" part comes from the book The Talisman by Peter Straub and Stephen King. "...the nexxus of all possible worlds..." "23" was the symbol used by a lot of people in western New York, where I grew up, to signify that you listened to/ played/ created industrial music.
Hence, Nexxus23.
QueenOfTheFlock is actually because of a certain wrestler that I love named Raven. Those of you who know him (X, Judas) know what's behind that....for the others I shall explain...Raven used to have a group or posse or whatever you want to call it and he used to call them his flock or Raven's Flock...I just wish I could have been queen of it. Yes, cheesy I know and it probably deducts any cool points from the name but it's the truth.
Everything tastes better when the novacaine sets in.
QueenOfTheFlock wrote:QueenOfTheFlock is actually because of a certain wrestler that I love named Raven. Those of you who know him (X, Judas) know what's behind that....for the others I shall explain...Raven used to have a group or posse or whatever you want to call it and he used to call them his flock or Raven's Flock...I just wish I could have been queen of it. Yes, cheesy I know and it probably deducts any cool points from the name but it's the truth.
Mmmmmmmmmm Raven.
I do have to say tho, Billy Kidman looks better out of the flock tho.
Mmmmmmmmm Billy Kidman.
"drools over all her favorite large musclebound sweaty wrestlingmens"
all i did was took my favorite mythical animal and my favorite element and put them together much like someone who is trying to make up a porn name for themselves.
nem·e·sis n. pl. nem·e·ses (-sz) 1.A source of harm or ruin: Uncritical trust is my nemesis. 2.Retributive justice in its execution or outcome: To follow the proposed course of action is to invite nemesis. 3.An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome. 4.One that inflicts retribution or vengeance.
junk·ie also junk·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jngk)
n. Slang pl. junk·ies
A narcotics addict, especially one using heroin.
One who has an insatiable interest or devotion
Christ ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krst)
The Messiah, as foretold by the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. Often used with the. Christianity. Jesus. A saviour. Help.
I was an addict (now im a drunk...j/k), now im an junkie to my cause..... ive always had a knack for saving people outta bad situations. I also have an giant interest in fixing other peoples lives at the cost of my own. A messiah to the common task, a martyr to common sense. I used to get high over everyone elses sins... now I bleed so others around me dont have to, i purposely become public enemy number one, the most hated guy on the block, so others dont catch the shit and can live their life. then i show em my scars and say DONT BE ME. whatever tactic i can take, i bleed like christ at the end of the day.
that and it sounds cool, and yes i believe in a god, its not a stab at any religion.
Actually the name stems from the fact that I used to be an immortal (admin) on a MUD, 3 times in fact. The first time I was asked to step down, being accused by a cheater (who was later kicked out) of cheating, hehe. The other two times I had stepped down were because I didn't have the time i.e. work, moving, etc.
But anyways, as I used to be immortal, but I had "fallen" from grace. It's so hard to be a god these days....*staple staple*
Oh sad is the world. but I have Kavorkian's scarf.
Jenna. Short for Jennifer. Which is my real name. Got sick of having different screen-names everywhere and getting confused about which name to use where, so i consolidated. Yes. i'm horribly creative.
"The fewer the words, the greater the importance. I love you. Three words. Goodbye. One word. Tinier even than I am, but with such power, such importance.." ~ Trifle
Mine came from the name i started DJing and posting to Usenet under ages ago, Lady Bathory. Ppl shortened it to Lady B, and when i started to feel like "Lady Bathory" was a bit too "formidable gloom-n-doom" for me personally anymore, i started spelling it Ladybee. Most of my friends call me Bee IRL these days.
I used to use my pen name as my handle years ago, back when I had my own domain. I grew tired of all of the attention I got back then, so I decided to give up my domain and basically delete my online persona and start over.
I was on AIM one day with an old friend of mine, and together we brainstormed to find a new name for me. Back then, a lot of my online friends used their real names in their handles...giving them twists to make them "gothier"...and then, some people used names like PoiSINous...anyway, my friend came up with Candicide, a play on my real name, Candace.
Since then, I've seen a Julicide....and no, it's not CotD.
I'm so goth I don't use fabric softener, because I like pain.
I said this the last time this topic was brought up, but I'll say it again.
"Imp" is the sole nickname that has ever stuck to me for longer than a day. Given to me by Noritha's husband during chemistry lab my freshman year of college, primarily because I giggled incessantly and looked at the chemicals with mischevious eyes. It fits, usually. Especially when I've had too much sugar (or caffeine or alcohol). I used "mistressimp" for a while because "imp@whateveremailserveritwas" was taken, but I really prefer Imp. Nice and short.
Don't listen to that guy! He's gonna lead you down the path of righteousness. I'm gonna lead you down the path that rocks!
Then, An old friend left a message on my answering machine 4 "The Stormstress" only it sounded like an Elmer Fudd version when he said it... Stowmstwess It just kinda stuck.