Thrall wrote:being now in the dumpster i suspose it matters not if i wander off topic.
so i tried the vegan thing for almost a year and did not have a good experiance. my hair, very dark brown and thick, became lighter and thiner. additionally i lost a serious ammount of weight. my primary reason for trying it was to be healthier but it seemed to have the opposite effect.
have you had any of these problems? and what do you do to combat them?
Well most people who know me will attest to the health of my hair, but thats due to the Cherokee in me, not diet.
Lets see to be healthy with any diet just watch what you eat, chew well and don't forget to breathe. I lost ten pounds when I became vegan (165 to 155) and that stayed off until I got a job where I sit all day instead of walking (back to 165), but once again I think that's more due to metabolism than eating habits. Eat a lot of China Wok and Taco Bell and you probably won't have a problem with weight (except maybe gaining).
I've been vegan for about 5 years now and aside from pissing people off when we go out to eat I've had very little illness or any other inconveniences. I don't take supplements and I don't exercise to regularly and I eat mostly PB&J, Taco Bell, Salads (Panera), and China Wok (Oakridge). Actually if I eat something different than the above its an oddity and generally very similar (stirfry from somewhere else, etc). I go to the doctor for checkups pretty often and last I checked I was at optimum health, with excellent iron levels, bloodsugar, cholesterol, and all the other things I don't really worry about.
The only thing I am partially concerned about is b-12 which there is a lot of evidence showing that there is a problem getting enough of it on a vegan diet, its what regulates a lot of brain functions and its only found in meat, dirt, and other things I probably don't eat. But I would think I'd have experienced some sort of deterioration in mental faculties by now (5 years) and I haven't noticed anything. I guess either nutrition science doesn't know all it needs to know yet, I'm producing it myself (it is
found in meat, and I'm meat), or I'm getting it from the small amount of dirt I consume accidentally. Either way I'm fine. I have heard horror stories of people who had lots of problems with it, but I haven't and I've been vegan at least as long as they were. Buttercup is vegan also and as far as I know, except for her cheese/Nemesis' semen cravings I think she's pretty healthy and happy, but ask her for info on that.
But then I didn't do it for health reasons, I did it to be smug and evil. The kind of evil smugness most only dream about. My smugness sustains me.
Rufus is widely regarded as the meanest dog employed by the State Department since Bocephalus, a hard-on of a coon hound who was, by all accounts, crazier than possum fuck.