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Post by Ligeia »

my lebret, both trecs, both upper cartilage, had my naval done but it always wants to grow crooked. i think i want a very small septum piece and then im done with the peircings, unless purely recreational. :twisted:
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Post by Nigredo »

If anyone wants something done Liliana can pierce for a price. Just let me (or her) Know.
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Post by Ashes »

2 in each ear and my navel
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Post by Dead_End »

I have almost 20...too many to count.
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Post by littlepockit »

i now have four. i have 3 holes in my left ear, on in the right.

i seven others, but had to take them out. i had 6 in my navel that were all around, with one in the center. looked like a silver flower. the pther was *ahem* lower. all seven had to be removed because of pregnancy and/or childbirth.
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Post by amazongoddess »

i seven others, but had to take them out. i had 6 in my navel that were all around, with one in the center. looked like a silver flower. the pther was *ahem* lower. all seven had to be removed because of pregnancy and/or childbirth.

The flower sounds really pretty and I'm sure we can all just imagine the whole stretching thing from pregnancy. Are you gonna have it redone after everything shrinks back to normal?
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Post by Damia_Thorne »

:twisted: I love piercings. I used to have a lot more, but I keep having to take some out because of all of the surgeries I've had.

Anyway, I currently have my nose pierced in two places, my navel is pierced (I have to keep redoing that one because of my surgeries) and my ears are pierced four times.

I want to get my eyebrow and my tongue pierced soon. :yes:
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Post by lovechild »

not much here....ears once, top ear cuff, and navel...i had another but took it out due to infection..
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Post by candicide »

Eight in the ears, working on stretching some of them...two of them are now twelve gauge, and two of them are ten. Just waiting for them to heal. Oh, and the tongue, the labret, and the monroe.

I'm getting more done to my ears, but that's it. I don't want anymore piercings on my face, as I think it would be excessive, and I don't want anything done below the face. My nipples and...lower areas are plenty sensitive enough, and I don't want to risk lessening the sensitivity...I've heard horror stories. And my belly is too squishy for a navel piercing.

And for those getting nipple work...please pierce them both. Symmetry, people. Symmetry. Does one need more sensitivity than the other? No. Only people in bad porn get one nipple pierced.
I'm so goth I don't use fabric softener, because I like pain.
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