Kai. the delectable kai. Kai is an assasin from his divine shadow who then becomes good...blah, blah... He's dead and now over 6000 years old, has a metal codpiece, (a dodgy wig - i'll never know why that even came), a robot head who is in love with him and loads of really annoying sayins which begin with the words..'the dead do not...' which he must say at least once per episode. He's a great character, played skilfully by Michael McManus, and if you want someone dead he's your guy. (he also had a great cluster lizard called squish!)
Last edited by Nigredo on Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hate finds fertile soil so easily. ~Diary of Dreams
Xev. the lusicous sex slave who's part cluster lizard. She's always after guys, especially Kai, who unfortunately does not respond to her as 'the dead do not love'!!!! moron! She has the unwanted attention of Stan, used to have a robot head in love with her and has the ability to turn into a ball and roll and jump from great heights due to her cluster lizard dna. She rules!
Stan. The security guard who just happens to also be the captain of the Lexx. In his spare time, he gets into mortal danger and must be rescued by Kai, hopelessly tries to get Xev to sleep with him, biccers with 790 and blows up planets when he's really bored. He's always after women, but with his looks its not as successful as he'd like!
yep thats me, they based that character off of me and a little adventure I had with a dead guy and giant dragon fly.
Fashion is FOR Victims...-LT.
..The men in black, thier lips are sealed...-BOC
- Even your sins are retail- John Stewart
Kai. the delectable kai. Kai is an assasin from his divine shadow who then becomes good...blah, blah... He's dead and now over 6000 years old, has a metal codpiece, (a dodgy wig - i'll never know why that even came), a robot head who is in love with him and loads of really annoying sayins which begin with the words..'the dead do not...' which he must say at least once per episode. He's a great character, played skilfully by Michael McManus, and if you want someone dead he's your guy. (he also had a great cluster lizard called squish!)
Yep, dead sexy! heh.
Of course I cheated, so I could get a good answer. I think he's pretty.
On the surface simplicity
but the darkest pit in me
is pagan poetry
Bjork - Pagan Poetry
Stan. The security guard who just happens to also be the captain of the Lexx. In his spare time, he gets into mortal danger and must be rescued by Kai, hopelessly tries to get Xev to sleep with him, biccers with 790 and blows up planets when he's really bored. He's always after women, but with his looks its not as successful as he'd like!