The Grudge

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The Grudge

Post by Lost Traveler »

The Grudge....... a B got many of the same scares as the ring (almost the same plot) with ted in it you can feel a little of the Rami influence but alot of the japanesse director (the same one who did the original version) is there and might put off some westerners (LOTS of unanswered questions and sub plots). dosnt have the production design of the ring again sticking to its japanesse roots. See this where is can be loud again the audio plays a part in the story. If you've seen all the other scaries that came out way before holloween this one would be good for that or a matinee
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Post by Russo »

As a HUGE fan of Japanese cinema, I was really excited when I heard the original director of Ju-On was directing the Grudge. after seeing it, I am really, really disappointed. To put it simply, this movie blew a goat's asshole. The acting was terrible (sorry, Buffy), the "frights" were so obvious that I could pinpoint exactly when something was going to jump out behind something, and there was absolutely none of the cool creepiness that other Japanese movie possess. I suppose it's very difficult for a Japanese movie to be translated for a Western audience, but damn, it could have gone smoother than this. My advice: don't pay to see it. Don't even let a friend treat you to it. Just stay away.
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Post by Zeo »

Ok, well I went to see a matinee yesterday.
I'll say first that I am also a big fan of Asian horror and collect everything I can get my hands on of the genre.
I really disliked the American remake of Ringu, and I went in to see this with low expectations as well. I usually won't go see a horror film in the theatre unless it has an R rating. This is PG-13 and still scary, which horror is usually not to me.
I had gotten a copy of Ju-on the night before and tried watching it, but had friends over and got distracted by conversation, so I didn't get around to completely watching it until last night. Takashi Shimizu did direct this version as well as the original, so I knew they would have a very similar feel to them.
I have to say that this version is one of the creepiest films I have seen in a long time, and the only movie I have ever seen that has made me jump more than once. It was darker than the original and followed through on almost every level of intensity.
I felt the sleight plot changes with Bill Pullman's character worked and helped define the story better overall. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jason Behr did have very stale acting between the two of them, yes.
If you can get past that and get into the plot, this is a pretty damn good movie and has a very fulfilling ending. Over all, I enjoyed it more than the original, although I did see this version first.
I'll give it an 8 out of 10. Definitely worth a matinee.
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Post by Asher »

I just rented Ju-On last night...and it scared the bejesus out of me. I think my overactive imagination tends to lend an edge to the movies that do manage to hold my spectacularly short attention span for longer then 20 minutes..and this movie did it.
At one point i was actually trying to climb my husband..(the scene in the bathroom where her hair looks disproportionately large when she comes out of the stall) and was too freaked out to go downstairs for the rest of the night.

i am not very easily spooked..but for some reason..this one did it.
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Post by iblis »

Just rented this one tonight. I can't say that I've always been a big fan of Japanese horror - my only experience with it has been from video games like Fatal Frame and its sequel. Which is why I wanted to see The Grudge in the first place: the ghosts reminded me of the ghosts in Fatal Frame II.

And thus I was quite happily impressed.

While I've never been a big fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar, I think she was secondary. So were the rest of the people who were being killed. This was a ghost story, after all, and as such, all I cared about were the ghosts. They looked cool. They killed people. And the movie didn't have that annoying plot element where only a few select people could see them or be affected by them. By golly, if you ran across one, you'd better be wearing your running shoes, or carrying a proton pack.
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Post by jjenisis »

I think I liked Juon 2 better. It left fewer unanswer questions.
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Post by mehem »

jjenisis wrote:I think I liked Juon 2 better. It left fewer unanswer questions.

Juon has some incredible ghost scenes and was better because Shimizu didn't have to deal w/ American exec's & the mpaa the first go around(hence pg-13 to r).
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Post by jjenisis »

mehem wrote:
jjenisis wrote:I think I liked Juon 2 better. It left fewer unanswer questions.

Juon has some incredible ghost scenes and was better because Shimizu didn't have to deal w/ American exec's & the mpaa the first go around(hence pg-13 to r).

Part 2 has the same characters and actors as part one. It was the Japanese version too. Was it not produced there too?
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Post by mehem »

jjenisis wrote:
mehem wrote:
jjenisis wrote:I think I liked Juon 2 better. It left fewer unanswer questions.

Juon has some incredible ghost scenes and was better because Shimizu didn't have to deal w/ American exec's & the mpaa the first go around(hence pg-13 to r).

Part 2 has the same characters and actors as part one. It was the Japanese version too. Was it not produced there too?

Yes,should've been more clear. What I was pointing out was why I think the one/s shot in Japan(should have said first two times,instead of first time) are better than the American(hear there's an unrated version for dvd)version.The mpaa is starting to treat everything done here like a Utah video store.
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Post by naturegrrl »

ju on scared the crap outta me. i couldn't finish it. :shock:
haven't seen the grudge.
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Post by sinful_fetish »

I hated this movie.
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Post by mehem »

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Post by Bigun »

It blew.

My wife scares easy and she said it was lame.
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