spongebob is gay!!!!!!!

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Post by Coor »

Melicious Scam wrote:Just because my boyfriend is christian doesn't mean he believes in the church.
Many people have their own different forms of spirituality. wether it be organized religion or not. Just like many religions have their own branches of the main religion.
He believes more along the line of quakers... but he doesn't believe in organized religion AT ALL.
Jesus wasn't born in a church.

Your right he wasn't. You see Jesus was actually Jewish. Thus if he was born in any "house of god" it would be a temple...not a church. And the jesus born in a stable bit...shows humility from the begining of his life. It is a story you know, you've got to get your symbolisim down.

Why I don't always agreee with recluse he is doing 2 things.

1) Keeping personal drama out
2) Furthering the thread onto deeper conversation.

Unfortunatly he has the right on this one.

*sigh* GODDAMNIT! First I defend Morgan's position, now RECLUSE! I used to be such an asshole. Now... I'm being honest. DAMN IT TO HELL!
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Post by blindboy »

Hell with it all ..... is sponge Bob queer or not???

dude i answered that a page or so ago. he's a hermaphrodite. :)
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Post by Coor »

Jason, I so love you.
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Post by JaNell »

rec|use wrote:janell your just saying that because
i stuck up for butter cup in a previous thread

If you knew anything about me you'd know that I'll agree with anyone whom I think is right, or even defend them, whether or not I like them.
In any case you're seriously overestimating Buttercup's (and your) inportance in my life...
But damn I seem to have some sort of signifigance in yours.
I'm not even sure what thread you're talking about.
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Post by JaNell »

Coor wrote:*sigh* GODDAMNIT! First I defend Morgan's position, now RECLUSE! I used to be such an asshole. Now... I'm being honest. DAMN IT TO HELL!

We'll like, SOOOOOO hate you now!
You sux0rs!!!!

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Post by rec|use »

your right i don't know you
but what i do know is that you started this thread with a sorry attempt at attacking me
to the affect that i couldn't read
when in reality i wasn't even talking about the word anti christ
i WAS actually talking about anarchists

so your first attempt failed

then when i was defending my position in the debate crimecore and i were having (which wasn't personal at all untill you and merc chimed in )
you made another attempt to attack me

This bit was out of line.
i'd rather be your enemy than hear you call me friend
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Post by The Stormstress »

Spongebob may or may not b gay, but he SURE likez 2 b on the receiving end ov my strap-on!! :P :twisted: ... & he'z all squishy nside, 2!! :lol:
If u r such a vamp, then bite me, bitch! :twisted:
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Post by g0dz3lla »

The wise elders at Landover Baptist have proof that Spongebob is none other than a flamboyantly spongey yellow, perverted little queer! And you thought that face was innocent all along!

"Freehold, Iowa (April 2003) - Complete shock filled the Landover Baptist main sanctuary last Sunday as Pastor Deacon Fred revealed in graphic detail, decadent hidden sexual messages in the popular cartoon series, Sponge Bob, Square Pants™. Mrs. Ida Denkins, who was seated in the first pew, fainted in the middle of the presentation and had to be rushed to Landover Baptist Hospital. Church usher, Bob Halburg, had an immediate reaction to the slide show that went straight to his stomach. He vomited so forcefully that pieces of his steaming breakfast were sprayed across nearly 15 pews. All total, at least two-dozen church members became physically ill after being exposed to the disgusting garbage that Hollywood is pumping into our children’s heads. "


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Post by jet »

OK, I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I was raised souther Baptist. Grandfather preached on a mountain top between Dayton and Pikeville in a town called Waldons Ridge. My family while in Florida changed to a non-denominational church which I use the term "Holy Rollers" we beleived in the laying of hands and being slain in the spirit. At the age of 13 I was given the gift of Toungues. I was then Baptised and Born Again, shortly after which I obtained a second Tounge to communicate with (and can still speak today IF i choose to). Then shortly after that I was enrolled in their school. This showed me just HOW hipocritical Christianity is.

With that being said I don't beleive in Christianity in ANY form today. While you may be a solitary practitioner and don't beleive in going to church, there are still the 10 Commandments which ALL Christians are to abide by. Having to follow these rules of life they still go against the beleifs of a true Anarchist.

Anarchy: Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose

So the basic principles of Christanity do not fit into this.

Now while Jesus never claimed to be above ANY other man on earth, his father Jehova does. He is our creator, and he rminds us of this ALL throught the Old Testament. Asking fathers to Sacrifice their sons in faith. Destroying the world because he did not like the way his creation was going, and on, and on, and on....

Now with all that said now for the Spongebob Morality Video thing: In the US Constitution we set aside a thing called "The seperation of Church and State". Now Christian groups can protest, but the public school system is still part of the State and therefore if the state decides to do it, religion should have NO say in it. That is why there are Christian and Private schools. Christians who do not like this have the option of removing their children from the public system and send them to the private sector, but then the private sector can do what they want, and include what they want with NO VOTE from the outside world.

So the Rec|luse thing: He is stating the truth. When people find that someone will not agree with them or they run out of things to argue about, they try to make someone else look bad with personal attacks. He has done NONE of this and yet someone found it necessary to just that. This kind of tactic is a sign of weakness, and ignorance !IN MY OPINION!

So with all that said I bid you all a good day cause I'm cooking up some Pork Chops and watching Spongebob!!!
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Post by g0dz3lla »

Well put... but I think another thread would have been better suited for your post. :lol:

From spongebob to anarchy.. only on KG.

Mmm... my 69th post. :domme:
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Post by paintedbird »

jet wrote:Now while Jesus never claimed to be above ANY other man on earth, his father Jehova does.

Now I don't know if Jesus claimed it or not, but isn't it the Christian belief that Jesus and His Father are one and the same, are equals and of the same essence?
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Post by jet »

Nope, not at all. That is what the Holy Spirit is for. The Father, Son, and The Holy Ghost
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Post by razor »

if you believe that anarchism is a belief system based on people being equal, and no man/woman having authority over any other man/woman (ie the lack of a structured government) than there is really no reason that you could not be both an anarchist and a christian. you do not have to believe in a structured government or ruling body to be a christian (a catholic maybe, but there are many denominations that aren't that structured). In fact, one could argue that Martin Luther (not Martin Luther King) and many other people responsible for changes in organized religion had very anarchistic tendencies.

Now, on the other hand if you believe that Anarchism is a total disrespect for any type of organization, or common thinking (as many of the deffinitions already mentioned in this thread have described) than not only can you not be a anarchist and a christian at the same time.. but you can't even really be AN anarchist either. The minute you say 'hey.. I'm an anarchist' you are grouping yourself with others who say 'hey, I'm an anarchist too' which by definition becomes a common belief system thereby negating this idea of what anarchism is. Now you might be able to say.. 'hey, I'm THE anarchist' but really, who's going to believe you have more of a right to be 'THE' anarchist than someone else who proclames the same thing. By defining yourself, in this situation, as an anarchist you're pretty much saying at the same time that there's no way you can be an anarchist.. using this deffinition.

ignore my spelling.
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Post by karmakaze »

razor wrote:if you believe that anarchism is a belief system based on people being equal, and no man/woman having authority over any other man/woman (ie the lack of a structured government) than there is really no reason that you could not be both an anarchist and a christian.

that is exactly why you can not be both. because in christianity you have to fess up that jesus and god are both better than you. so unless you want to go to hell. you can't be both.
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Post by razor »

karmakaze wrote:
razor wrote:if you believe that anarchism is a belief system based on people being equal, and no man/woman having authority over any other man/woman (ie the lack of a structured government) than there is really no reason that you could not be both an anarchist and a christian.

that is exactly why you can not be both. because in christianity you have to fess up that jesus and god are both better than you. so unless you want to go to hell. you can't be both.

but God, Jesus (currently), and the Holy Spirit aren't what you'd generally classify as people, although you could argue that Jesus was in human form while he was on the earth (if you believe that he ever was).

If you can seperate god and state, or spritual beliefs and state/human govenrment, then you should be able to seperate christianity which is a spiritual belief system from anarchy which is a political/governmental model (or lack there of). One can easilly believe in the moral teachings of Christ and the way of living of being 'good' and helping one another etc. and yet still have a total disrespect for human control (ie government).

It would go something like -- I believe that Christ was sent to earth and died for my sins. I believe that through honest and good living, and a belief in Christ being my savior I will make it into heaven when I die. I also believe in my ability to govern nyself. I don't need a president, a police force, a king, or any other human interferance to run my life properly.

how else would you define that? you might use a word other than 'anarchist' but it boils down to the same thing... a lack of respect for any human ruling body and or any type of enforcement there of.

you can call christianity some type of 'ruler' but really.. who's enforcing it? the difference is that as a christian it's pretty much left up to you to decide if you're living right or not.. it's not some type of police force FORCING you to live in a certain way or punishing you if you don't.
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Post by JaNell »

But what about these guys?


I mean, Dr. "Honeydew" always seems to be doing some BDSM thing to poor "Beaker"...

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Post by Jack »

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Post by goblin »

Jack wrote:Everyone in this thread needs to eat their corn flakes.

I am going to follow Jack's adbice and eat some corn flakes( frosted or not) and stay the hell out of this discussion/argument before I say something that makes all of you hate me more than Ja nell already does. Love to you sexy:::::::::::
AAAAAHHHHHH Sobriety,,,,,,,,,,,What A Concept
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Post by karmakaze »

razor wrote:if you believe that anarchism is a belief system based on people being equal, and no man/woman having authority over any other man/woman (ie the lack of a structured government) than there is really no reason that you could not be both an anarchist and a Christian.

that is exactly why you can not be both. because in Christianity you have to fess up that jesus and god are both better than you. so unless you want to go to hell. you can't be both.

razor wrote:but God, Jesus (currently), and the Holy Spirit aren't what you'd generally classify as people, although you could argue that Jesus was in human form while he was on the earth (if you believe that he ever was).

the whole idea behind Christianity is that you have accepted jesus in that he lived, died, and was reincarnated. all of which are requirements to being a person. so therefore you have to believe that jesus was a man, and that he is better than you. and its not that jesus was in human form. the entire point of the whole process is that by all accords he was a man. or else the whole dying for sins thing would only be one big fetish party with no religious redeeming value.

razor wrote:If you can separate god and state, or spiritual beliefs and state/human government, then you should be able to separate Christianity which is a spiritual belief system from anarchy which is a political/governmental model (or lack there of). One can easily believe in the moral teachings of Christ and the way of living of being 'good' and helping one another etc. and yet still have a total disrespect for human control (ie government).

well they are doing a really crapy job of it. anarchism is obviously not a form of government. it is a social standard. Christianity is like its own little government body. or, it is supposed to be that way at least. if you make an exception for Christianity not counting towards your anarchist views then you are only half an anarchist.

razor wrote:It would go something like -- I believe that Christ was sent to earth and died for my sins. I believe that through honest and good living, and a belief in Christ being my savior I will make it into heaven when I die. I also believe in my ability to govern myself. I don't need a president, a police force, a king, or any other human interference to run my life properly.

how else would you define that? you might use a word other than 'anarchist' but it boils down to the same thing... a lack of respect for any human ruling body and or any type of enforcement there of.

no it does not boil down to the same thing. its like calling yourself a vegan but only eating fish. you will have to coin a new term for this if you want it to stand any validity.

razor wrote:you can call christianity some type of 'ruler' but really.. who's enforcing it? the difference is that as a christian it's pretty much left up to you to decide if you're living right or not.. it's not some type of police force FORCING you to live in a certain way or punishing you if you don't.

its supposed to be self regulating. reward and punishment. you follow your leader you get rewarded and go to heaven. be a disobedient sinner. you go to hell. that sounds pretty regulated to me.

on a side note. i will pretend for one moment that being an anarchist and a christian is possible. do you think that anarchism would actually work? doesn't the bible say somewhere i there that it will not work? people are greedy. as a christian you have to believe in satan. satan, will try to tempt man as much as he can. . anarchism will not work for the same reasons that communism will not work. it is a lost cause. anarchy is dead.
Making a HONDA fast is like coming out of the closet, yeah you might suprise a few people; but in the end.. your still gay.
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Post by Jack »

The misconceptions about Christianity in this thread are staggering.
I was born a bastard - and then I just got worse.
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