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Post by abreeskye »

Xas sent me an email about this. Just thought I would share :)


AMEN frontman Casey Chaos recently conducted an e-mail
interview with ScandinavianMetal.Info about the
group's recent lineup changes and his SCUM side
project with current and former members of EMPEROR,
the interview follows:

ScandinavianMetal.Info: There is a lot of anticipation
among the black metal community about what SCUM will
sound like? Would be fair to hypothesis due to the
mention of SABBATH and NEUROSIS as influences that the
project has a doom metal edge to it?

Casey Chaos: "I would say dark as oppossed to doom,
but the elements of the album as a whole are truly
unique and unpredictable."

ScandinavianMetal.Info: How did it feel to be playing
in the same band as people who played on such
legendary releases as "In the Nightside Eclipse" and
"Apocalypse Dudes"?

Casey Chaos: "It's an honor. I love and support both
bands to the utmost!"

ScandinavianMetal.Info: Has an album title been
decided on for the debut SCUM album? And do you know
at this date which label will release it?

Casey Chaos: "The name for the album has not been
finalized yet. Samoth said 'Gospels for the Sick', so
I think that's gonna be it, but no label deal is
signed yet. We are still free and we still have to mix
it, so we will see what title best fits the album

ScandinavianMetal.Info: Why was the name SCUM chosen
for this group?

Casey Chaos: "Faust came up with the name and we all
thought it fit. It was the first name and i think the

ScandinavianMetal.Info: How did you first get into
black metal in the first place?, and how did you get
in contact with members of the Norwegian black metal

Casey Chaos: "I have been friends with Killjoy
[NECROPHAGIA] half my life. I have been friends with
Mortiis and Satyr for a long time now, spent lots of
time in Oslo and made many plans. We met two years ago
for this project, which now is SCUM. Mortiis is also
contributing to SCUM as well so there you got 3/4 of
the original EMPEROR lineup, the chemistry between
Samoth and Faust is the real magic."

Read Casey Chaos' entire interview with
ScandinavianMetal.Info at this location.
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Jun 08, 2003 3:33 pm

Post by Xaspherus »

SCUM, an all-new project featuring Faust, Samoth (ZYKLON, ex-EMPEROR), Happy Tom (TURBONEGRO), Casey Chaos (AMEN) and Cosmocrator (MINDGRINDER), recently recorded their debut album at Crystal Canyon Studio (TURBONEGRO, WE, EUROBOY) in Norway. Although no label or album title has been finalized, provisional songtitles include "Gospels for the Sick", "The Truth Will Be Sold" and "Hate the Sane".
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