Balance wrote:and if she is 'one of us' make an appointment at the clinic because this is one big tainted incestuous pool where everyonehas slept w/ everyone.
Chumming - the use of ground-up or cut-up bait to attract fish close to the boat, or in some cases the ice-fishing hole, which can sometimes cause enough attraction to cause a feeding burst or frenzy.
"All game fish respond in varying degrees to chum. For some anglers chumming has become an art form, even a science. One thing is absolutely sure, effective chumming techniques produce more fish. Let’s discuss some of the most productive methods that will make you a more successful angler."
"The practice of using chum offshore has to be about as old as fishing itself. Who wants to just sit there and wait with nothing going on when there's every chance that just a little extra effort and expense will likely turn the whole day around? "
"Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down to the pond and chasing bluegills and tommycocks. This shark, swallow you whole. No shakin', no tenderizin', down you go."