Play Dough
1 C. flour
1/4 C. salt
2 TBS. cream of tartar
1 TBS. vegetable oil
1 C. water
2 tsp. food coloring
1. Mix flour, salt and cream of tartar in a medium pot.
2. Add water, food coloring, and oil.
3. Stir over medium hear for 3-5 minutes. Don't worry if it looks kinda globby; it'll turn into dough.
4. When the mixture forms a ball in the center of the pot, turn off the stove and let it cool. Then take it out of the pot and put in on a floured surface. Squish it and punch it around a bit.
5. Your ready to play. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.
Face Paint
corn starch
cold cream
food coloring
muffin tin
1. In each cup of the muffin tin, mix 1 tsp. corn starch, 1/2tsp. water, 1/2 tsp. cold cream, and a couple of drops of food coloring. Stir.
Finger Paints
3 TBS. sugar
1/2 C. cornstarch
2C. cold water
food coloring
dish detergent
four plastic or paper cups
1. Mix the sugar and cornstarch together in a saucepan. Then add the water and mix a little more.
2. Cook over medium heat, stirring all the time. The mixture should start to boil, then thicken. Takes about 5 minutes.
3. Remove from the stove, cool, and pour into the plastic cups.
4. Add food coloring and a drop of detergent to each cup. Stir well and paint.
Fun stuff for midgets in the kitchen
Fun stuff for midgets in the kitchen
I'm Jewish. I don't work out. If god had wanted us to bend over, she would have put diamonds on the floor.
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