Sunday October 15th & 16th as you all should know will be the date for the 2005 804noise South Eastern Experimental and Noise Festival in Richmond, Virginia. What you don't know is the line up for the main portion of the two day event on Sunday the 16th. The line up is as following:
-Mark Richardson
-Kouhoutek (Washington, D.C.)
-Mental Hygiene League
-Vilam Priest & Controlled Dissonance
-Khate & FeralCatScan
-Red Canasta
-AM Salad (Maryland)
-Birds in the Meadow
-Black Meat (404noise/Atlanta)
-Caution Curves (Washington, D.C.)
-ENE & Monolith Zero
-Lust Ionics (NYC)
-Brian Jones Percussion Ensemble
-Nautical Almanac (Maryland)
-Never Presence Forever
-Xiphoid Demntia & Burnward (Pennsylvania)
-Harm Stryker & Narcotic Dreams
-Projexorcism (828noise/Asheville, NC)
More information including band info, links, mp3 samples, pictures, and workshop information will be posted very soon to the 804noise website at
We will have information on cheap transportation for those who live on the east-coast (still searching for alternative travel for the west and mid west)
The 804noise Fest is an all day experimental, noise & multi-media festival held each year in Richmond, Virginia showcasing experimental & noise artists mainly from Virginia along side a handful of special out of town guests. All artists perform for the sake of exposure and community growth and proceeds go back into the 804noise community to help fund future events and the 804noise community record label. Along side the artists we invite different radical and grassroot not for profit organizations to participate in tabling information about their various causes and record labels from all around.
Attention Experimental & Noise Record Labels & Collectives
If you operate an experimental, noise, or avant garde label please contact us. We are going to be hosting a label expo for independent experimental, noise and avant garde media during the main event of the festival. There is no fee to table. Just send the following information and confirm that you will be there.
Phone Number: (so we can contact you if we need to)
Label Description:
804noise Fest 2005 Artists Lineup!
Moderator: Arkady
804noise Fest 2005 Artists Lineup!
i'd rather be your enemy than hear you call me friend
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