About the Shooting in Seattle
My two Cents
wow, what a long list of posts and a bunch of hurt feelings to boot.
Tearsofisis- I can understand how you would be upset that some people said they laughed, i think though you should see they were not laughing at the death, but the surrounding events. Honestly sit back and think to yourself if you had read somewhere about some people from a zombie rave getting blasted with shotguns, you'd have no choice to laugh. What makes it different I guess for you is that you knew one of the individuals. As far as being heartless I guess I am heartless, although i didn't laugh at the post I did see the irony of zombies and shotguns involved.
my heartlessness comes from the fact I wasn't really bothered by the deaths in New Orleans, I wasn't really bothered by the twin towers. It frightened me but in truth it didn't really affect me other than alot of things changed and a lot of uncomfortable situations have arose from them. This is not the action itself but rather the after effects of the "tragedies". So more to the point it affects you it does not affect many of us. The brutal truth is, to those it doesn't affect it is a bit funny.
I will say though, try not to take so much offence just because it affected you deeper than it affects us. Your feelings are your own and we understand that just realize that things are not always going to make you happy here and perhaps it is much easier to just click away from what bothers you than to take it to heart. This is after all knoxgothic.com not knoxemo.com
To the rest of us-
Perhaps we are a little uncaring, and uncouth in our posts, death is funny, and everyone involved had really awesome points none of which I disagree with. However, instead of pointing out these points it might have been easier just to say "hey sorry you took offense" and leave it at that. *shrugs* After all we are part of a subculture and who cares about us if we don't care about ourselves? Look out for your fellow knoxgothic members, after all they are like family.. just the really cool family ya don't want to murder.
Tearsofisis- I can understand how you would be upset that some people said they laughed, i think though you should see they were not laughing at the death, but the surrounding events. Honestly sit back and think to yourself if you had read somewhere about some people from a zombie rave getting blasted with shotguns, you'd have no choice to laugh. What makes it different I guess for you is that you knew one of the individuals. As far as being heartless I guess I am heartless, although i didn't laugh at the post I did see the irony of zombies and shotguns involved.
my heartlessness comes from the fact I wasn't really bothered by the deaths in New Orleans, I wasn't really bothered by the twin towers. It frightened me but in truth it didn't really affect me other than alot of things changed and a lot of uncomfortable situations have arose from them. This is not the action itself but rather the after effects of the "tragedies". So more to the point it affects you it does not affect many of us. The brutal truth is, to those it doesn't affect it is a bit funny.
I will say though, try not to take so much offence just because it affected you deeper than it affects us. Your feelings are your own and we understand that just realize that things are not always going to make you happy here and perhaps it is much easier to just click away from what bothers you than to take it to heart. This is after all knoxgothic.com not knoxemo.com
To the rest of us-
Perhaps we are a little uncaring, and uncouth in our posts, death is funny, and everyone involved had really awesome points none of which I disagree with. However, instead of pointing out these points it might have been easier just to say "hey sorry you took offense" and leave it at that. *shrugs* After all we are part of a subculture and who cares about us if we don't care about ourselves? Look out for your fellow knoxgothic members, after all they are like family.. just the really cool family ya don't want to murder.
Hardcoregirl wrote:A rave without drugs would make me want to kill people. I mean, raves suck without drugs. Ravers and glowsticks are fucking annoying sober. Thats why when I stopped doing drugs, I realized raves were pointless and horrid without them.
So, NOW you see why I was grumpy about the stupid raver kids back then?
I wasn't on anything.
We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
- Hardcoregirl
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Wow, so, I guess tearsofisis decided they should let one of the parents know what horrid-awful-evil-heartless people we are. I got this really mature email today thru xanga-
Yes I love the internet you BITCH! I am the mother of one of the victims that
was killed in Seattle. Hmm Happy Birthday BITCH! Unfortunately my son will not
be able to celebrate his Birthday because Mr.Huff made sure to shoot him at
point blank range. You think he deserved this Hmmm You deserve it. It's amazes
me that with the mouth you have that someone has not killed you yet. I am
patient and so I can wait for you to have your Karma day! You and your shit heel
friends will know what it is like to suffer. I read your post I know you have a
kid I hope you know really soon what it is like to lose your only child. I hope
you suffer with the knowledge that you and your Karma caused his death. I hope
each time his birthday rolls around you feel like slitting your wrist but you
know Death will not come quickly for you. My son did not die immediately he
suffered and for what? Because he was trying to be friendly to a guy he thought
might need help. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
I understand she's angry and upset, and she understandably so. Do I wish innocent people dead? No. Do I wish the children of strangers dead, no. Do I wish anyone's kid dead...no. Do I see the humor in a post-zombie party shootout. Sorry, yes I do and I think quite a lot of people do. Yep, we are fucked up and cynical but this is the way the world has shaped us. I think the pain of losing a child has to be the worst thing anyone could ever deal with, and if it ever happens, I won't suffer long because I wouldn't want to exist without him. Good thing I don't believe in this ridiculous idea of karma. Yeah, all of us that laughed about it in the entire world are gonna lose a child. SUUUURE, that's gonna happen. What did you do karmicly to get your kid shot? Was it karma for being a lame excuse for a parent...seems more like logic to me...shitty parents allow their kids into dangerous situations.
After-life or no afterlife, your kid is better off without you. I would never wish an innocent child dead...but what the fuck were you doing letting him go to RAVES?!!? He was in an environment with drugs and psycho's because YOU are a pitiful excuse for a mother. I hope you spend the rest of *your* life blaming yourself for his innocent death. You should be sterilized instead of letting children run with wolves.
(edit-I wrote this with the assumption it was an underage kid, the 14 year old that tearsofisis knew)
Yes I love the internet you BITCH! I am the mother of one of the victims that
was killed in Seattle. Hmm Happy Birthday BITCH! Unfortunately my son will not
be able to celebrate his Birthday because Mr.Huff made sure to shoot him at
point blank range. You think he deserved this Hmmm You deserve it. It's amazes
me that with the mouth you have that someone has not killed you yet. I am
patient and so I can wait for you to have your Karma day! You and your shit heel
friends will know what it is like to suffer. I read your post I know you have a
kid I hope you know really soon what it is like to lose your only child. I hope
you suffer with the knowledge that you and your Karma caused his death. I hope
each time his birthday rolls around you feel like slitting your wrist but you
know Death will not come quickly for you. My son did not die immediately he
suffered and for what? Because he was trying to be friendly to a guy he thought
might need help. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
I understand she's angry and upset, and she understandably so. Do I wish innocent people dead? No. Do I wish the children of strangers dead, no. Do I wish anyone's kid dead...no. Do I see the humor in a post-zombie party shootout. Sorry, yes I do and I think quite a lot of people do. Yep, we are fucked up and cynical but this is the way the world has shaped us. I think the pain of losing a child has to be the worst thing anyone could ever deal with, and if it ever happens, I won't suffer long because I wouldn't want to exist without him. Good thing I don't believe in this ridiculous idea of karma. Yeah, all of us that laughed about it in the entire world are gonna lose a child. SUUUURE, that's gonna happen. What did you do karmicly to get your kid shot? Was it karma for being a lame excuse for a parent...seems more like logic to me...shitty parents allow their kids into dangerous situations.
After-life or no afterlife, your kid is better off without you. I would never wish an innocent child dead...but what the fuck were you doing letting him go to RAVES?!!? He was in an environment with drugs and psycho's because YOU are a pitiful excuse for a mother. I hope you spend the rest of *your* life blaming yourself for his innocent death. You should be sterilized instead of letting children run with wolves.
(edit-I wrote this with the assumption it was an underage kid, the 14 year old that tearsofisis knew)
Last edited by Hardcoregirl on Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Hardcoregirl
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Hardcoregirl wrote:Oh and a big FUCK YOU to whomever gave the mother the link. Its one thing to giggle hundreds of miles away out the reach of the victims families, but then to see it and send it to them during such a time of grief...yeah, you are SOOO much better than us.
Obviously whoever did it is just a shit stirrer... they probably spend their entire lives taking situations and finding out how to make it worse...they don't feel like they are living unless they are creating drama.
Maybe if their lives weren't so empty and useless they wouldn't be in other people's shit.
I agree, if they cared so damn much about this parent, why would they cause additional suffering to her...seems kind of selfish to me to purposefully give a parent this link just so they can have some sort of petty vengance because we don't agree with them....what kind of favor do they think they are doing...giving the mom this link is not going to help with her healing process.
Last time I checkd it was still a free country (well as free as it can be in the crappy administration...) and you had a right to your opinion...Besides, this forum is supposed to be about communicating with like minded friends in the Knoxville Goth scene...
And isn't there somewhere in the rules of the forum that people aren't supposed to be flamed or harrassed either online or on a private web site... ?
P.S. Well put Hardcoregirl.....

tearsofisis wrote:Wow! It's amazing just how many people on this forum view what happened to these kids as just a joke. Hmmmm I guess that says alot about how unfeeling you people are.
Hmmmm? Hmmmm????
Didn't the Mom's Post say Hmmmm a lot also???
Yes I love the internet you BITCH! I am the mother of one of the victims that was killed in Seattle. Hmm Happy Birthday BITCH! Unfortunately my son will not be able to celebrate his Birthday because Mr.Huff made sure to shoot him at
point blank range. You think he deserved this Hmmm You deserve it.
Sorry....maybe I'm being overanalytical...but does this seem like an odd coincidence to you....or is it just me???
lol, what a turd.
But really. yah sure, if its one of your close friends, maybe you don't laugh as hard. Or maybe, like south park has taught us, it just takes 22 years for it to be funny. Who knows. Alls i know is, maybe innocent death isn't funny, but the manner in which it happened was. I think thats the overall outlook here.
And honestly, unless you ARE like best friends with anyone who got killed, then you should stop being such a pussy. I mean, people die in your town, my town, his and her town everyday, but you don't see me crying for Jimmy Brown that died on the other side of town today, cus he was blown away at point blank range.
Also, i'd just like to state, that anyone shot at point blank range, DID NOT suffer... i mean, at least not for long. They died...pretty quick. Unless the zombie killer shot him in the foot or something...then THAT would be even funnier.- A real mother? i think not
But really. yah sure, if its one of your close friends, maybe you don't laugh as hard. Or maybe, like south park has taught us, it just takes 22 years for it to be funny. Who knows. Alls i know is, maybe innocent death isn't funny, but the manner in which it happened was. I think thats the overall outlook here.
And honestly, unless you ARE like best friends with anyone who got killed, then you should stop being such a pussy. I mean, people die in your town, my town, his and her town everyday, but you don't see me crying for Jimmy Brown that died on the other side of town today, cus he was blown away at point blank range.
Also, i'd just like to state, that anyone shot at point blank range, DID NOT suffer... i mean, at least not for long. They died...pretty quick. Unless the zombie killer shot him in the foot or something...then THAT would be even funnier.- A real mother? i think not
I'm a big bright shining star......
- Hardcoregirl
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personal opinion here..
Perhaps it is time, the administration stepped in, locked this thread, and possibly think about banning trouble makers. I know that with any orginization like this that values free speech it is a hard thing to think about but sometimes for the betterment of the board it has to happen. I know there have been a few times in Darkguild it has had to happen and it gave me a sick feeling in my stomach every time but sometimes it does have to happen..
At anyrate I do believe it would be a good idea to go ahead and lock this thread, and any other discussing the shooting in seatle. simply to lower drama.
/personal opinion
Perhaps it is time, the administration stepped in, locked this thread, and possibly think about banning trouble makers. I know that with any orginization like this that values free speech it is a hard thing to think about but sometimes for the betterment of the board it has to happen. I know there have been a few times in Darkguild it has had to happen and it gave me a sick feeling in my stomach every time but sometimes it does have to happen..
At anyrate I do believe it would be a good idea to go ahead and lock this thread, and any other discussing the shooting in seatle. simply to lower drama.
/personal opinion
- Hardcoregirl
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- Hardcoregirl
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drkv4mp wrote:wasn't so much worried, just seemed like it was upsetting. mainly you. I personally would hate to see anyone upset, specially someone who recently celebrated a birthday..
*happy birthday btw*
if you are still online come talk to me in KG chat
Nah man, very little that others do upsets me. I have pretty thick skin...I mean, if I can dish it out, I gotta be able to take it. I just thought it was pretty childish of them.
Hardcoregirl wrote:This board is infamous for censhorship and locking threads once they become heated. I think people should be allowed to disagree, debate, argue whatever but for some reason most of the KGB disagrees. It'll be locked or banned I'm sure an any "ugliness" will be deleted, don't worry.
I haven't even locked it, and you're whining about me locking it.
Maybe I'm just being insensitive, but I just DON'T CARE today.
We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
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Yea it's a moot point by now anyway. I do see tearsofisis's point if it can happen there it can happen here too maybe too much emotion got in the way of the real message. Oh well! maybe another lesson to learn as well is that what news we get here is filtered down news especially if it comes all the way from the west coast. I'm sure they get filtered down news from the east coast too. So let's be understanding of everyone's sides on this issue maybe all the mother wanted was some understanding who knows??????? I do agree that the delivery could have been a little less angry but then again I'm not a parent and I don't know what it is like to lose a child anyway I am sure you would all agree A mother should never have to bury a child. The child should out live the parent.
Smiles everyone smiles
Smiles everyone smiles
Thru the power of the internet I found you. I am the mother of one of the victims that died in Seattle. YOU are a BITCH! I hope you get what you and your friends deserve! You think it's funny to get shot a point blank range? I hope you know in the future what it is like to lose your only child to a murderous killer I hope you know the emptiness of them not being there on their birthdays! I hope you grow old with regret at knowing that it's KARMA that put you where you will be. Death will not find you even if you beg for it. It's people like you that cause people like Mr.Huff to go off and kill. GO FUCK YOURSELF! GROW UP!
Somebody loves us Hardcoregirl!
Thru the power of the internet I found you. I am the mother of one of the victims that died in Seattle. YOU are a BITCH! I hope you get what you and your friends deserve! You think it's funny to get shot a point blank range? I hope you know in the future what it is like to lose your only child to a murderous killer I hope you know the emptiness of them not being there on their birthdays! I hope you grow old with regret at knowing that it's KARMA that put you where you will be. Death will not find you even if you beg for it. It's people like you that cause people like Mr.Huff to go off and kill. GO FUCK YOURSELF! GROW UP!
Somebody loves us Hardcoregirl!
If she were a street gang, I'd go to war with her with bottles and chains.
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the chance of that email even being from the parent.............. nonexistent.
Drinking makes you the same asshole your father was.
http://www.knoxnihilism.com/forum - site admin.
Prayer, Praise, Profit.
Drinking makes you the same asshole your father was.
http://www.knoxnihilism.com/forum - site admin.
Prayer, Praise, Profit.
OK, since I was asked to give my opinion on this subject my more than one person...
First off...ALL raves have drugs. Some kid has drugs...and chances are that the guy that killed them was on drugs. Also, that many of the people who were killed had several differant types of drugs in their system and the ME didn't bother to check the drug levels in the body because the cause of death was apparent with the hole in their body....
Second...a lot of raves with Candy or Hippie Flip...if you don't know what that means do a little research...It will most likely give you a sense of humor about the situation...
In fact, I bet a few of those kids probably thought that they were Zombies by the time that the after party hit.
Now, I personally don't think it's fair that people get their knickers in a twist because someone else got to live out the video game world before you did...
First off...ALL raves have drugs. Some kid has drugs...and chances are that the guy that killed them was on drugs. Also, that many of the people who were killed had several differant types of drugs in their system and the ME didn't bother to check the drug levels in the body because the cause of death was apparent with the hole in their body....
Second...a lot of raves with Candy or Hippie Flip...if you don't know what that means do a little research...It will most likely give you a sense of humor about the situation...
In fact, I bet a few of those kids probably thought that they were Zombies by the time that the after party hit.
Now, I personally don't think it's fair that people get their knickers in a twist because someone else got to live out the video game world before you did...
"It was inappropiate and definatly hott..."
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