Top 10 most overrated bands

forum for those that like conversation so mindless that their braincells pop like a confetti bomb at a strippers birthday party

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Post by todger »

junkie christ wrote:
Totally Not John Cheese wrote:junkie christ, PLEASE stop using such intentionally bad grammar. I, like all followers of John Cheese, feel a queasy urge and desparate sadness when I see things incorrect. Let's debate the facts and not use personal attacks, eh?
weve given facts
wheres yours
this from a man with a threat to me as his sig.

His sig is addressed to "asshole". This means that you identify yourself with the name "asshole". Congratulations!
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Post by Mahalo »

junkie christ wrote:
Totally Not John Cheese wrote:junkie christ, PLEASE stop using such intentionally bad grammar. I, like all followers of John Cheese, feel a queasy urge and desparate sadness when I see things incorrect. Let's debate the facts and not use personal attacks, eh?
weve given facts
wheres yours
this from a man with a threat to me as his sig.
You need to back off, asshole.
isnt it?

I was under the assumption that his sig was from taken from the Bob Dylan song, "Asshole (You Need to Back Off)"
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Zeds Deadbaby
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Post by Zeds Deadbaby »

Fact 1: Only 20% of the people on this board are actually "goth" and probably less then 1% of those wish they could be a vampire. Iif you don't know what goth is, you shouldn't even begin to presume.

Then you should change the name of the board then shouldn't you.

Fact 2: JC is definitely not goth.

Again, forum name needs to be changed

Fact 3: JC knows more about music, having wriiten, composed, played, mixed, DJ'ed, promoted and hung out/drunk under the table/beat the shit out of with more musicians then you can count even if you opened your mouth looked in a mirror and added those three teeth.

Why must you assume that everyone is like that? It's probably because you live in the south.

Fact 4: JC is a christian

Nice, although Southern christians usually have it all wrong.

Fact 5: Having to create so many different log-ins to whine and bitch about how "superior" you and your opinions are to the rest of society just shows that you really should stop downloading music off the net from your parent's basement, pull your head out of your pimply ass and get a fucking life.

Actually, if your admin had kept you informed, he would tell you that there is no possible way that one person could have so many IPs, created profiles, and posts.

Also, common sense would tell you that too. Sorry to add insult to ignorance but that's just the way it is.
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junkie christ
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Post by junkie christ »

if these fucktards actually manage to get one funny post, ill shit my pants, take pics, and post it for everyone to see.
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Totally Not John Cheese
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Post by Totally Not John Cheese »

You started it! You said that in a world of shit I was an asshole to you! Who wouldn't take offense?

Just correct your grammar and we can continue the discussion in a civil manner. If you ask it, in exhange I will change my sig to something less threatening.
Hot damn, yo. What a dumbass.
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Post by todger »

Mahalo wrote:I was under the assumption that his sig was from taken from the Bob Dylan song, "Asshole (You Need to Back Off)"

No, no. This is a common misconception. His username is a Dylan reference, from the song "Tangled Up In Memphis With The Totally Not John Cheese Blues". "Asshole (You Need to Back Off)" was actually a popular protest song of the times merely attributed, mistakenly, to Dylan.
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Post by DarkVader »

ok, now I'm sick of it.

this thread is done.
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Re: Top 10 most overrated bands

Post by DarkVader »

And look who got in the news...

(Yes, I locked this thread years ago, and nobody much will see this. But sometimes things come around that prompt a followup.)

And John Cheese is in the news. ... e847632d50

It turns out he wasn't just a dick here.

Thread unlocked, just in case anybody wants to rant about him. He's still banned, of course.
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