Libertarian Club for Knoxville - Legalize Marijuana?

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Libertarian Club for Knoxville - Legalize Marijuana?

Post by volitics »

I would like to tell all of the visitors here, or those who might like to know, about a new community and political web site for the Knoxville and E. Tennessee region.

It's called ""

The County Seat portal has forums designed to appeal to a wide variety of members of the community. The political forum is focused on libertarian politics.

The Libertarian Party wants to legalize marijuana you know.

You can promote the KnoxGothic web site in the signature of your posts. If you have a small business or a band you can promote your small business or band also.

We would like to eventually develop a Libertarian Club that would have monthly or quarterly meetings. A Libertarian Club could lobby for the relaxation of marijuana laws and other issues of importance to the KnoxGothic community.
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Re: Libertarian Club for Knoxville - Legalize Marijuana?

Post by Hardcoregirl »

volitics wrote:

The Libertarian Party wants to legalize marijuana you know.

A Libertarian Club could lobby for the relaxation of marijuana laws and other issues of importance to the KnoxGothic community.

The fact that you even typed that first sentence, followed by the fact you assume that is an issue of importance to us, preeetty much makes me hate the libertarian party more than I already do.

Its a two party system. Its not gonna change ANY time soon until a large percentage of the voting population kicks the bucket. I think people wasting their votes is probably a large reason why Bush is still in office.

I vote democrat every time and will continue to do so. =)
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Post by TiredUnhappy »

Most of the people I've met on here are not interested in whether or not pot is legalized. Try a hippie forum, they seem to really be interested in that topic. Us... well, not so much.
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Post by gothic_spleen »

It would probaly be a safe bet for you not to assume anything on this forum, i made that mistake when I first got here almost a year ago, and people like hardcoregirl, russo, and a few other wisley put me into perspective.

Back to the topic, I personally dont do drugs anymore, whether they legalize it thats there deal, i think that we could better spend the billions of dollars we waste when we bust some stupid high school kid with one fucking joint. Make the penaltys for using while driving so steep that no one would dare do it, and then sit back and use the billions for a better healthcare system, education, anything.....damnit hardcoregirl, u got me talking like a
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Post by Paladin656 »

A campaign for legalization would have to happen at the state (not just Knoxville or E. Tenn) level as well as the Federal level.

Even if you legalize the substance locally, you'd still be in violation of state law, legalize it on the state level, you'd still be in violation of the federal law.
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Post by volitics »

Gee. I appreciate the responses. It's good to know what people think. No really. You never know until you ask.

Correction: Instead of assuming that legalization of marijuana was of importance to the KnoxGothic community I should have said "or other issues" instead of "and other issues" in my first post above. Please accept my apologies.
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Post by Paladin656 »

Now you know!
And knowing is half the battle!
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Post by junkie christ »

one person lashed.
dont take it seriously.

its a tricky topic to talk about because the self righteous who are never wrong always have an answer that must be right because they are always right.
on both sides
the for usually arent as bad as the against though.

i was a member of norml for years. ive read the studies for, against, and the other uses.

i personally am for legalizing it, not for my own personal vices, but because its a form of probition (fuck spelling im at work).

alternative fuels, fabrics, ect that need a full legalization to be used should be good enough a reason, but no

its not cost effective to tax it, its cost effective to jail kids over minor drug offenses that are nothing in comparison to the real evils out there.
it could let the cops really wear down on the fucking real drugs, (read: meth).
and because i support it doesnt mean we should all smoke, be able to smoke in public, or smoke and drive.
treat it like booze is treated.
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Post by Paladin656 »

junkie christ wrote:I personally am for legalizing it, not for my own personal vices, but because its a form of probition (fuck spelling im at work).
it could let the cops really wear down on the fucking real drugs, (read: meth).

But the ban on meth is another form of probition there JC,:?: though I do agree with you on the freeing up police resources argument. I have better things to do as a cop. Like play with my handcuffs. :P
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Post by gothic_spleen »

Paladin656 wrote:
junkie christ wrote:I personally am for legalizing it, not for my own personal vices, but because its a form of probition (fuck spelling im at work).
it could let the cops really wear down on the fucking real drugs, (read: meth).

But the ban on meth is another form of probition there JC,:?: though I do agree with you on the freeing up police resources argument. I have better things to do as a cop. Like play with my handcuffs. :P

Meth....its should be obliterated....not legalized.
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Post by Paladin656 »

Not that I disagree there spleen. Couldn't tell you the number of people in my jail from meth.

I'm just picking on JC's logic for arguments sake.
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Post by junkie christ »

Paladin656 wrote:
junkie christ wrote:I personally am for legalizing it, not for my own personal vices, but because its a form of probition (fuck spelling im at work).
it could let the cops really wear down on the fucking real drugs, (read: meth).

But the ban on meth is another form of probition there JC,:?: though I do agree with you on the freeing up police resources argument. I have better things to do as a cop. Like play with my handcuffs. :P

good question and it drives a good point. i just got off work and im dog tired so im typing fast, watch my spelling as im saying sorry right now.

for starters, the history on how both became illegal are drasticly different. meth is a universal evil, pot was a witchunt for votes (among other things true, but i mean fuck with the muscle pot could have provided into the almost government warzone that is the alcholol market at the time.. shit. make a new demon, get alot of love. research the guy who made reefer madness for a GOOD example of the witchunt.)

but alot of officials (democrat and republican and indie) are uninformed and attack it when we could be attacking shit like meth.see thats a witch hunt with a REAL WITCH. thats a drug epidemic thats killing people hourly. pot increases blockbuster rentals and junk food. maybe makes you late for work because you overslept. a drastic example i admit.

but because people can be irresponsible with it, bad rap. instant bad rap. but people who want to be high all the time (on anything, for future reference) are always gonna get fucked up on something.
be it spray paint or meth if they have to. at least pot is gonna make them spend more money (dominos and rentals and cheap folks, ask any pothead). plus most pot heads, (taken from normls website) claim they only smoke a few times a month, at home, bothering noone.definitly a lesser evil tnan booze or drugs *esp meth*. if we regulated it like we booze, no problem.

anyone who puts meth and pot in the same catagory is part of the reason that total lack of education in government and law enforcement has blured the lines of this debate. i dont think your unintellgent, dont get me wrong. im saying i hear alot of government officials say that when asked all drugs are the same evil and its just not true.

see i dont think that probition applies here at all.theres no positive applications to meth. at all.

pot is only illegal because the prison systems, rehab, and law enforcement are making alot of fucking money from it being illegal.
tack onto that its usages for alt fuels, which helps the oil companys stay rich... and boom.its shit like that.... that makes me want it legal, knowing its feasibly not gonna happen in my life time if ever.

pot doesnt create the same things meth does.meth is bar none the most addictive drug out there right is ungodly destructive to ones health, mind, and enviroment (family and community)

it cannot be used for alternative uses at a cost that is higher than the harm of its effects on a person or community.and it is continually proven that without allergy it is impossible to overdose on only pot.

that factor is what seperates pot from all other drugs, including booze.and pot is seperate from meth from a heatlh standpoint. i mean pot isnt good for you, and it has negative effects, but so does chocolate and it can alter brain chemistry as well. albeit not to the degree, but fact remains.

healthwise, almost every study ive read (nongovernment funded, shock there) equates it to being around as harmful as a cigaratte (but probably smoked considerably less). people who wanna be high all the time are always gonna be high on something.

id rather them be high on something you can (medically proven) eat and come down from than drunk or on meth.

my opinion isnt to say correct, but thats just how i view it.

and i dont think its ok to drive down the street high or anything. or be around kids. use your fucking good judgement ya know?

if the money the government made from legalizing it == the amount of money they make now AND they could find a way to spin it to the moral community (read: in current political enviroment that means if FOX and Condy say "go ahead") then it would be legal in a heartbeat.
and at least pot has medicinal purposes.

highly unfocused and scattered but unlike some of the people who post here, id rather be myself than make some soapbox speech.
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Post by volitics »

junkie christ;

You covered the issue pretty good.

There's something that I would like to expand on. The History Channel aired a documentary the other night about the guy that made the 1920's era movie "Reefer Madness." I forget his name but I think he was a US government official that wanted funding for some project.

I'm not sure I got this right but the jist of the matter was that he had to turn people against pot in order to get the funding he wanted.

He got what he wanted. The problem is that the illegalization of marijuana has cost the taxpayers countless billions of dollars and ruined (with criminal records) the lives of millions.

Also, the system in general, cops included, have been making money off of pot being illegal for a long time.

The cost to taxpayers in terms of money, the damaged lives of millions due to the criminal records, and the loss of the use of mariijuana as a medicine is a real tragedy. A tragedy, indeed.

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Post by junkie christ »

volitics wrote:junkie christ;

You covered the issue pretty good.

There's something that I would like to expand on. The History Channel aired a documentary the other night about the guy that made the 1920's era movie "Reefer Madness." I forget his name but I think he was US government official that wanted funding for some project.

I'm not sure I got this right but the jist of the matter was that he had to turn people against pot in order to get the funding he wanted.

He got what he wanted. The problem is that the illegalization of marijuana has cost the taxpayers countless billions of dollars and ruined (with criminal records) the lives of millions.

So the system in general, cops included, have been making money off of pot being illegal for a long time.

It's a shame, too, because marijuana has medicinal purposes.

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Harry Anslinger used it for political gain. Its rumored he funded the whole thing, but hes the one who showed it in high schools and shit. The director was corrupt as hell too, did this kind of shit for a living. Same could be said about the writers. Both writer and director used to be kinda respectable too. is a decent start but when you read onto who funded him it makes alot more sense.
Conservatives lined his fucking pockets to scare people away from pot.

Ive read many times that the textile industry was worried because of hemp fabrics, later the oil companys would complain but thats of the last 20 years. In those days it would have been the textile industry.

In order to sell the moral majority vote, a straw effigy has to be built and burned. Thats what they did with marijuana. The cost effenicy just rises and rises and rises of keeping it illegal.

Ive heard alot that at one point in time there was more minor drug offences in jail than murderers in most states by percentage of conviction. Now if thats true you can read that as in most states its easier to get murder one downgraded to a lesser charge than it is to beat a minor possession charge.ive not seen the stats, but i wouldnt be surprised either way. now research what pot charges are in most states. its fucking insane.

Say some dumb shit about it being just a drug issue and people wanting to get stoned is denying many decades to the contrary and one of the best government scams ever.

Id also like to point out the modern musical of reefer madness is hillarious, even the made for showtime version now out on DVD. And it actually has some of the history of that movie and the political agenda in it.
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Post by volitics »

junkie christ;

Thanks for the bookmark. Your perspective is exactly right. I'm glad that there are persons who are aware of all of this other than just myself.

Thanks again.
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Post by Hardcoregirl »

Don't get me wrong, I think marijuana should be legalized...since alcohol is SO much worse. I'm just saying I hate it when people try to use drugs to get people I guess they view as deviant to pay attention to politics.

So legalization is on my list at about, oh 2, 013 of things that need to be changed around here.
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Post by Paladin656 »

volitics wrote:
Also, the system in general, cops included, have been making money off of pot being illegal for a long time.

I'd like to know how that works, I need some extra cash.
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Post by TiredUnhappy »

Honestly, I don't see pot being legalized as long as there is under the table money passing around. The government finds one person being irresponsible with it and therefore it needs to be illegal. right.

I'm not really interested in whether or not it is or is not legalized, because it is not apart of my life. My reason for my first post was basically because I felt like we were being stereotyped as drug users, with the whole "legalize marijuana" thing. Like that was expected to "appeal" to us. I dunno, just seemed alittle insulting to assume we're all stoners. lol
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Post by volitics »

TiredUnhappy said:
just seemed alittle insulting to assume we're all stoners

That's alright. Being a libertarian I'm accustomed to the stereotype.


Paladin656 said:
I'd like to know how that works, I need some extra cash.

Don't know for sure but you'd first have to get a butch haircut, join the poh-leece force, and take a billy stick and start beating the heck out of people.
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Post by gothic_spleen »

junkie christ wrote:
Paladin656 wrote:
junkie christ wrote:I personally am for legalizing it, not for my own personal vices, but because its a form of probition (fuck spelling im at work).
it could let the cops really wear down on the fucking real drugs, (read: meth).

But the ban on meth is another form of probition there JC,:?: though I do agree with you on the freeing up police resources argument. I have better things to do as a cop. Like play with my handcuffs. :P

pot increases blockbuster rentals and junk food. maybe makes you late for work because you overslept. a drastic example i admit.

. at least pot is gonna make them spend more money (dominos and rentals and cheap folks, ask any pothead). plus most pot heads, (taken from normls website) claim they only smoke a few times a month, at home, bothering noone.definitly a lesser evil tnan booze or drugs *esp meth*. if we regulated it like we booze, no problem.


Id figure bush would be all for it, u remember his speech about how the economy will get better if americans have money and spend it more often. The pot makes the person hungry so he spends more on food gas and rentals, that benefits several companys right there, now multiply that by whatever number people do the same thing, im quite sure the number of dollars would be huge.

That would jump start any countrys economy.
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