Words can't describe how fucking giddy I am over this one.

more info here:
http://www.tarantino.info/index.php?opt ... &Itemid=40
Directors/Screenwriters: Robert Rodriguez & Quentin Tarantino
Production: 2005/2006
Release: planned for Spring 2006
Genre: Grindhouse/Exploitation/Splatter/Giallo/Zombie/Drive-in
Details: 2 hour film, intermission in the middle, filled with fake trailers. 1h by Rodriguez, 1h by Tarantino (the two parts have nothing to do with each other)
Company: Weinstein Corp.
Titles: Death Proof (by QT), Planet Terror (by RR)
The film, which is planned for a spring 2006 release, also will include its own trailers, bonus materials and added extras from other filmmakers that will be packaged together between the two horror flicks in a tribute to the old, big-city movie houses like those on New York's 42nd Street that earned the moniker grindhouses for programming genre pics back to back. An aficionado of grindhouse, Tarantino sampled grindhouse genres in his recent "Kill Bill" films. He said "Grind House" could be the first in a series of films. In a statement, the Weinsteins said, "We couldn't imagine anything more exciting than a film being made together by the two godfathers of our companies, Quentin and Robert." (Gregg Kilday)"
The next thing Quentin is shooting will be here in Austin, Texas with his buddy Robert Rodriguez and it's called GRIND HOUSE. [.. ]I got to chat with Rodriguez about GRIND HOUSE quite a bit and this is really going to be a hardcore geekgasm of a flick. First - They'll be getting very cool directors to create GrindHouse style trailers for fictional films to put between and before the film. As to who goes first? It seems that in California - Quentin's hour will play first... In Texas - Robert's hour will play first... and everywhere else - it'll be projectionists' discretion. Same with the order of the trailers before and between the "featured attractions". They will be shot digitally - but in post - they'll be made to have that flawed dirty, nappy - film stock changing at the "reel breaks" faded, pink, saturated 70's film look. Sometimes there'll be a "bad splice" to purposefully cause a missing piece of dialogue. In otherwords... it'll be exactly like a GRIND HOUSE experience... only without the piss on the floor and rats residing in old discarded popcorn buckets in the theater. As for this BEVERLY HILLS COP 4 thing... nothing really to it.
Speaking to MTV News, Tarantino explained: 'His [Rodriguez'] movie is called 'Planet Terror' and mine is called 'Death Proof'. Mine is sort of a slasher film, but instead of a knife, it's a car. 'He's dealing with zombies and all that stuff. I think his might end up being more violent, but I'm not finished with my [script] yet, so you never know.' and on the trailers: That's one of the things we're looking the most forward to, shooting the phoney trailers that will play in-between the movies. I'm working on my blaxploitation trailer, and possibly a kung fu trailer, a sexploitation trailer, a spaghetti western trailer... I just need to kind of work them out a little bit.'
Interview: http://rapidshare.de/files/6230473/tara ... s.avi.html
"... Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino are back. But this time, they are too back!" -QT
Some more links:
http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles ... tory.jhtml
http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles ... tory.jhtml