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Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 9:40 pm
by Hardcoregirl
faeriegirl wrote:littlepockit wrote:wow...i remember or knew everyone in those pictures. i can not for the life of me remember the name of the first girl...
Uh nevermind.
*cue miz_kitty's limosine joke*
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 10:49 pm
by faeriegirl
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 9:48 am
by digita1pixie
Buttercup wrote:karlaBOO wrote:The fourth pic, the girl with the blonde streak is Melissa. I haven't seen her since the Second Skin show last year. I miss her.....
I met her a while back at a Sonic Youth concert. She comes into Hot Topic sometimes and I told her to go to black coffee, etc.
Tell her Arlene says hello if you see her around again.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 12:52 pm
by Pharinet
digita1pixie wrote:Buttercup wrote:karlaBOO wrote:The fourth pic, the girl with the blonde streak is Melissa. I haven't seen her since the Second Skin show last year. I miss her.....
I met her a while back at a Sonic Youth concert. She comes into Hot Topic sometimes and I told her to go to black coffee, etc.
Tell her Arlene says hello if you see her around again.

Matt (my hubby) used to be her manager when she worked at the Terrace Tap House. I sure wish she would come for coffe. She was great. Tell her I said hello too if you see her again.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:45 pm
by vertigo25
digita1pixie wrote:Buttercup wrote:karlaBOO wrote:The fourth pic, the girl with the blonde streak is Melissa. I haven't seen her since the Second Skin show last year. I miss her.....
I met her a while back at a Sonic Youth concert. She comes into Hot Topic sometimes and I told her to go to black coffee, etc.
Tell her Arlene says hello if you see her around again.

A very, very long time ago, she and my friend Patrick and I, all went out to this house where there were many, many black people drinking, smoking, and playing, singing and dancing to the blues. We were the only white people there, but they all totally accepted us into the fold. Later, as the sun was coming up, the three of us headed back to the fort, and then to that building which used to stand next to the paint store on 11th and Forest. You know... the one that was about 8 stories tall and had one entire face completely missing. yeah... so... we went up to the top and just hung out and talked and looked over k-town.
We would hang out quite a bit back then, cuz she got all lovey over Pat and he and i were pretty close. She would come to me and ask me all thetime how he felt about her. It was all very HS, but entirely cute.
We lost touch after awhile, but then got reacquainted a few years later when she moved back here (probably around the time the picture was taken). She used to come over to my apartment and make fun of our big pants, and talk about how much ravers sucked, and even though she was serious, it was all in fun. She had changed a *lot*, though.
yeah.. so if you see her tell her hey. If she remembers me.
Oh... and Shara... I used to date her dead husband's little sister. So did my wife. Knoxville is weird.
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 11:39 am
by Lady Shaper
Pharinet wrote:Aaawww me and Paige in our standard white t-shirt and black bra.
I think that might be Jeania behind you.
I'm going to have to post some pics.
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 11:45 am
by Hardcoregirl
I could go thru my old Oak Ridge High and RJHS yearbooks...hmmm
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:21 pm
by littlepockit
Lady Shaper wrote:I think that might be Jeania behind you.
I'm going to have to post some pics.
it is...
i think in the second picture that may be chuck campbell or shelton in the stripey shirt.
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:30 pm
by digita1pixie
Buttercup wrote:I could go thru my old Oak Ridge High and RJHS yearbooks...hmmm
Hmm wonder if Im in any of your yearbooks...I may have dropped out by the time you got there. I never did get my senior yearbook even though I paid for it... bastards.
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 3:35 pm
by Spam
Buttercup wrote:I could go thru my old Oak Ridge High and RJHS yearbooks...hmmm
Don't make me hurt you.
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 3:38 pm
by Hardcoregirl
digita1pixie wrote:Buttercup wrote:I could go thru my old Oak Ridge High and RJHS yearbooks...hmmm
Hmm wonder if Im in any of your yearbooks...I may have dropped out by the time you got there. I never did get my senior yearbook even though I paid for it... bastards.
Yep, I was in 6th grade when you were in, Moni, Rachel, Matt Hall, Aaron Armour.....etc
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:35 pm
by DarkVader
Spam wrote:Buttercup wrote:I could go thru my old Oak Ridge High and RJHS yearbooks...hmmm
Don't make me hurt you.
you know, after I've had to face this level of embarassment, you should too.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:09 am
by iblis
I find it odd that while most people are embarrassed by their old photos, I'd rather the new ones be incinerated.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:19 am
by vertigo25
digita1pixie wrote:Buttercup wrote:I could go thru my old Oak Ridge High and RJHS yearbooks...hmmm
Hmm wonder if Im in any of your yearbooks...I may have dropped out by the time you got there. I never did get my senior yearbook even though I paid for it... bastards.
Does anyone in Oakridge ever actually graduate?
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:23 am
by Hardcoregirl
vertigo25 wrote:Does anyone in Oakridge ever actually graduate?
Yep. I graduated from ORHS. I don't know if thats something to be proud of or not

. Best schools in the state, with most fucked up
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:42 am
by Spam
Buttercup wrote:vertigo25 wrote:Does anyone in Oakridge ever actually graduate?
Yep. I graduated from ORHS. I don't know if thats something to be proud of or not

. Best schools in the state, with most fucked up
I graduated as well... atleast I think that is what that peice of paper said.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:23 pm
by OmeGaDucK
I gots some pics of Corban and Dave Spainhoward <Spikey Dave>
from back in those days...A few of Ken and Matt as well.
And cute young Yulie!!!!*awww*
I might, just might, have a pic of Spam, Joel, Eman, and I playing hackey sack whilst I preform the deadly "Joshiemitsu"
Steve has some pics from back then as well.....A great pic of Jason looking a Petah Murphy*drools* Mwahahahaa!!!
We just got a printer today. <thanks Spam and Mikey!>
Once we get it up and running, I just might put them up if ya want.
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 6:57 am
by digita1pixie
Yes!!! Is dave the guy that moved to New Orleans?
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 10:21 am
by OmeGaDucK
Yup..that would be him.
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 10:37 am
by littlepockit
digita1pixie wrote:Yes!!! Is dave the guy that moved to New Orleans?
dave was from new orleans. if i remember correctly, he lives near the french quarter now.