My 2 out 5 reasons (from post "5 reasons")

forum for those that like conversation so mindless that their braincells pop like a confetti bomb at a strippers birthday party

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Post by div »

my vote is for dousing yourself in liquid nitrogen. just make sure the webcam is set up so i can see you shatter when you fall over. i've always wondered how well that would work.

Though if you can manage to decapitate yourself and set your own head on a spinning record player before your body falls to the floor... well, that's pretty cool too.
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Post by X »

1. Junkie...that would require good porn...something of which is getting increasingly harder and harder to find these days....eventually i think i would just get bored.

2. Storme.....sounds fun....and if i had to go- i would choose that.

3. div...the liquid nitrogen would suck, cus knowing my webcam the point of impact would most likely be the second the cam decided to freeze for 4 seconds instead of 2. The decapiation thing sound fun however.....i'm affraid that i'm not sure if i could be that talented before i fall over dead. ego wouldn't let me do something that would danger the odds of having an open casket funeral....always gotta live hard, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.....
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Post by vicious_blood »

junkie christ wrote:your only as strong as the amount you can bleed before passing out.

Ohhh....I like that...
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Mother Mo
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Post by Mother Mo »

Carly, this is excessive. You need to limit this kind of thing to pm's & AIM, please. Laura's the only one you're actually talking to, & some of the critters on here bite. Don't give them a reason to. We're all glad you enjoy using the forum, just try not to abuse it.

Stay in the shallow end until you're a better swimmer! ;)
Change how you see, not how you look.
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