Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:13 am
i don't hate it
it's not classic
it did what it does
hopper was a sketched out money fiend
romero stayed right oun que with the social commentary
the gore sucked
savini came in with the best death scene
wearing the same shit he was wearing in dawn of the dead
the zombie leader didn't even look like a zombie
asia argento was hot as shit
the only reason i can't hate this one is
a. it's romero
b. hopper / savini / argento
c. the social commentary
i like how in this one the zombies are no longer the menace
the people are
to further that the leader of the zombies in this film is a black guy
much like the main guy in all the other films
keeping the humans alive is a black guy
i also liked all the class war that was going on
though i felt if they were gonna get into all that
there should have been more rioting and shit on the streets
i did like how the two zombies were ripping apart the rich guy
while the shadows cast against the anti-war posters on the wall
i also like how hopper said that he doesn't negotiate with terrorists
hoppers speach about resposibility was a great one
it really hits home with what we are doing to ourselves now
he uses this army to "protect" the rest of the people
basically by shutting them off from the rest of the outside world
then bringing them back supplies to feed their vices
the people of the street spend their money on booze, hookers, drugs, gambling, etc...
and can not escape the prison they have built for themselves
and therefore either die or have to work for hopper
i dunno i kinda took this one more as a fantastic political statement
as opposed to the classic horror film
i don't hate it
it's not classic
it did what it does
hopper was a sketched out money fiend
romero stayed right oun que with the social commentary
the gore sucked
savini came in with the best death scene
wearing the same shit he was wearing in dawn of the dead
the zombie leader didn't even look like a zombie
asia argento was hot as shit
the only reason i can't hate this one is
a. it's romero
b. hopper / savini / argento
c. the social commentary
i like how in this one the zombies are no longer the menace
the people are
to further that the leader of the zombies in this film is a black guy
much like the main guy in all the other films
keeping the humans alive is a black guy
i also liked all the class war that was going on
though i felt if they were gonna get into all that
there should have been more rioting and shit on the streets
i did like how the two zombies were ripping apart the rich guy
while the shadows cast against the anti-war posters on the wall
i also like how hopper said that he doesn't negotiate with terrorists
hoppers speach about resposibility was a great one
it really hits home with what we are doing to ourselves now
he uses this army to "protect" the rest of the people
basically by shutting them off from the rest of the outside world
then bringing them back supplies to feed their vices
the people of the street spend their money on booze, hookers, drugs, gambling, etc...
and can not escape the prison they have built for themselves
and therefore either die or have to work for hopper
i dunno i kinda took this one more as a fantastic political statement
as opposed to the classic horror film