Hardcoregirl wrote:Butterbean wrote: I am very good friends with the Head KPD Officer in charge of investigating "Occult" activities in the Knoxville and surrounding areas...
Wow it really fucking ruffles my feathers that my tax money is going to such fucking bullshit as investigating the occult!!! You'd think they'd spend their time busting actual fucking criminals.
I think you are a little mis-guided on the above statement. The person that butterbean is reffering to is also someone that is a friend of mine. He is an older gentleman who has been an active part of the pagan/wiccan community for way over a decade. He is a normal police officer on a normal police officers sallary. Not someone who is waisting your tax dollars on investigatin the occult. Out of the kindness of his heart, he has been educating other police officers for many years on these things.... so they dont assume that a wiccan group is a Satanic worship circle. I have been in circle with him many times in the past. When I owned "The Elven Door", Knoxvilles first pagan shop, he kept the cops from harassing me and educated them that I was NOT a satanist..... and as a matter of fact, if I EVER had any problems from the bible beaters, the police defended me due to the fact that they were EDUCATED by him. For part of this matter, my shop was never burned to the ground by right wing activists thanks to him. Also, he is called upon in many cases to investigate many "Occult" crimes and the like, so that non-educated, hillbilly dumb-fuck cops dont assume that all wiccans,goths,satanists and psychos that wear black are the same group. He is a protector and educator and has probobly assured the KPD that we are not a bunch of Satanists, if he is aware. He has been a dear friend in the past, and we are lucky this fucking backass town has someone like him..... and no, its not costing you any more tax dollars that a police officers sallary....... which is not much........so dont get your feathers ruffeled my dear....... as far as the reast of this topic...... I think you are all worried about something silly. If they didnt think we were worshipping Satan @ Planet Earth, The China King, The Snake Snatch (who remembers THAT bar???) Vic & Bills @ 4:00 am in 1989, Vatican Pizza while Teenage Love were playing a show, Mercury Theatre, Neptune, Lava, Sinister, Fairbanks, and in the back of my shop in 1994, they dont now. Most likely due to the fact that Tonic is open @ the same time and people wandering in dont understand what the hell is going on. Its all Andrews Fault. Fucking Satanist.