Well,personally I'm just me.I'm a simple yet at times complex person.I have dreams, desires,friends,family,and some enemies.I work,play,and pay taxes.I leave people to be who they are.And socialize in ways they are most comfortable.I will socialize in my own ways.I'm not like anyone else I've ever met.So,I can say without a doubt.That now matter how I maybe catorgorized,by others.I'm just me,an original.And anyone who doesn't like that..........can FUCK OFF!!!
Piercedwingz wrote:Well,personally I'm just me.I'm a simple yet at times complex person.I have dreams, desires,friends,family,and some enemies.I work,play,and pay taxes.I leave people to be who they are.And socialize in ways they are most comfortable.I will socialize in my own ways.I'm not like anyone else I've ever met.So,I can say without a doubt.That now matter how I maybe catorgorized,by others.I'm just me,an original.And anyone who doesn't like that..........can FUCK OFF!!! ~B~
Much Luv to da Butch for that one!
when you gonna vist again?
By the way; I said a lot of things and you obviously read them.
You said alot.??...."looks at the post counter" 22 posts is alot???.........
"glances toward JC and JaNell's post counter". UM.......
"takes off shoes and socks and counts toes and fingers"
Shadow wrote:"glances toward JC and JaNell's post counter". UM....... "takes off shoes and socks and counts toes and fingers"
Um.....No, 22 posts is NOT alot.
"smiles all proud of self"
I'm not sure why the subject of my post number keeps coming up, I guess it indicates something to some people, but anyway here's the Top Ten as of right now:
LadyIvanna wrote::-? I'm in the top ten list? Hmmm...gonna have to correct that.
I can remember back in the old days when I was in your position and you were ahead of me..... Guess I need a life.....
I've noticed we get these same sort of threads about every three months. Is there some sort of cycle going on here? I've responded to far too many of these in the past. I won't do it again. Besides, Junkie has said it all, and quite well I might add.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
I just wanted to post so I could have my 333rd post.
The number 333 has stuck with me since high school(93) and I now sign with it as my last name. Which has nothing to do with this post.
Yes, I have wished you were dead. You are just another face in the crowd, someone who brings me suffering, someone I truely hate.