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Poking my head into an empty room

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:12 am
by Hand of Fate
Ya know, I never really posted much on here, especially after I left Knoxville. Still, it saddens me to see that the board is so inactive.

Re: Poking my head into an empty room

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:33 pm
by Darkintent
Agreed, while the wife and I haven't had the opportunity to get to knoxville in what seems like ages, KG kinda felt like home for a period of time in my life. It's very saddening to see it this dead (so to speak) in here. Makes me feel old for some reason. I discovered a lot of great music and people down there... *sigh*

Re: Poking my head into an empty room

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:50 pm
by DarkestEyez
Agreed. I often wonder what happened of my old KG friends from back in the Sanctus days. Anyone alive out there?
We're no longer in K-town, and rarely get back (thanks, DC) but, truth is, Hubby (thinwhiteduke) and I met through KG. A little sad to see that it seems to no longer exist.