As soon as I saw the poor girl in the first picture, I immediately thought that she's probably come from a family who was too poor to afford the dental work and corrective eye surgery needed to make her look more "normal." I sincerely hope she's very far away and never stands a chance of running across these far more ugly links. Pleasant karma, everyone.
As soon as I saw the poor girl in the first picture, I immediately thought that she's probably come from a family who was too poor to afford the dental work and corrective eye surgery needed to make her look more "normal." I sincerely hope she's very far away and never stands a chance of running across these far more ugly links. Pleasant karma, everyone.
Either the picture was scanned badly, or it's been altered by an image manipulation program. In other words, I think it's possible that this picture is fake, and that the woman in question is really not that dog ugly in the first place.
So we might be laughing our asses off at something that doesn't even exist.
The real question is, does this still count as bad karma?
If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. Anonymous
Hmm,Ugly eh? Beauty is,rather skin deep. And perceptions of "ugly' very from person to person. I never really paid much attention to looks. I am more of a personality type person. (And my answer to all the smart arses is...Yes,I would date a ameba if it had a nice personality towards me. ) I do not see anything really to ugly with the girl's picture,personally. But,I understand the urge to put others down for need of societies support. (It is just not my path)
And ReddErin,where did you get that picture of me???
Yes, I have wished you were dead. You are just another face in the crowd, someone who brings me suffering, someone I truely hate.