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The Farther I Get Away.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 2:25 pm
by vicious_blood
I defend the fist that holds this pen, the page, the paper.
I live, I learn, but you will always take what I have earned.
Aid my end while I think I'm winning.

No one speaks out in my defense.
I burn the gallows you erect and cut the noose you've tied around my neck.

You make it impossible to make conversation, we're comatose but audible.
I like it the farther I get away.
You pass it off like it's all on me.
Try for common conversation,
Taking everything I have.
I like it the farther I get away.

Once said, always said,
You will hold the past over my head.
You speak your mind when you feel slighted.
You are hellbent on extracting all of my life.

I try my best for my defense.
You prey as a wolve among the sheep,
And slit the necks of the innocent as they sleep.

And I like it the farther I get away.

i like your style

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:20 pm
by sp000ky.ange
dynamicaly written with equal doses of passion and pathos.
and might I detect a bit of screw you bloody wankers as well???
i e-mailed you a message when i first joined- wanting to get to
know you a bit.find a voice screaming bloody murder to the core of the earth-i guess i know you a tiny bit better now. keep writing.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:48 pm
by vicious_blood
Thanks. Yeah I emailed you back. PM me sometime. And thanks again.

(Good to know someone actually reads my shit.)