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Seven Deadly Sins

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 5:29 pm
by cutelittlepsycho20

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 12:54 pm
by Coor
Mirror, mirror on the wall... You're guilty of PRIDE. Before you start deciding who should get the film rights to your autobiography, you might want to ask yourself what makes you think you're so special. All those looks of admiration and awe you take for granted may be nothing more than mocking glances hiding laughter. Being your own best friend is a great thing, but not if it becomes an obsession. An inflated sense of self-importance can hide deeper concerns about your own confidence. Remember, those who do it don't talk about it.

Why is pride so bad? Well, according to early religious scholars, pride destroys humility. When vanity compels us to compare our looks to others', we waste time that should be spent focused on our inner spiritual nature. Try to temper the need to feel better than others with a more humble focus upon yourself as you really are. After all, the medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri considered pride the deadliest of the seven sins.

But they told me confidence wins :(
DAmn guidence counslers

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:40 pm
by Space Traveler 9
We don't want to make you mad,'re guilty of WRATH. Your answers reveal that you have a weakness for letting your temper loose a little too often. (Perhaps you're just in the wrong occupation — have you ever thought of becoming a postal worker? Managing a baseball team or being a professional wrestler are other possibilities for hot-tempered people like you.) Maybe you're suppressing some bitterness — if so, try to get to the bottom of it. There's definitely more to life than yelling at people and thinking of different ways to intimidate them. You might be able to release some of your pent-up anger by joining a gym. Or, go the other direction and buy some scented candles and give yoga a whirl. Next time you feel like exploding, fight to keep your temper under control and try to find a way to express yourself in a way that won't offend others.

Why is wrath so bad? Well, according to early religious scholars, wrath destroys kindness. They thought anger had to be regulated, lest it pervert the growth and well-being of the soul. Try to temper quick impatience with tolerance and compassion, especially since medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote that wrath, along with pride and envy, is one of the deadliest of the seven sins.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 9:21 pm
by Xerxes
Oooh, baby! You're guilty of LUST. Some experts say people have a sexually oriented thought every seven seconds, but you just might throw off the curve. Yes, it's true that we live in a society that caters to those seeking immediate pleasure, but that's not all there is to life. Take love, for example — it offers far more sentiment and emotional depth. But no matter what you think, just try to remember pursuing fleeting pleasures is a pastime that leads to no lasting good.

Why is lust so bad? Well, according to early religious scholars, because it breaks down self-control. They believed that earthly pleasures must be regulated, or else they'll pervert the soul's growth and well-being. What's more, because lust is such a self-destructive desire, it will eventuallysurpass the actual worth of the pleasurable sensations it brings. Take heart, though: Medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote that lust is the least deadly of the seven sins. (Of course, he was sitting in a brothel when he wrote that. Go figure.)

Suprise Suprise :twisted:

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 9:48 pm
by Ashes
Oooh, baby! You're guilty of LUST. Some experts say people have a sexually oriented thought every seven seconds, but you just might throw off the curve. Yes, it's true that we live in a society that caters to those seeking immediate pleasure, but that's not all there is to life. Take love, for example — it offers far more sentiment and emotional depth. But no matter what you think, just try to remember pursuing fleeting pleasures is a pastime that leads to no lasting good.

Why is lust so bad? Well, according to early religious scholars, because it breaks down self-control. They believed that earthly pleasures must be regulated, or else they'll pervert the soul's growth and well-being. What's more, because lust is such a self-destructive desire, it will eventuallysurpass the actual worth of the pleasurable sensations it brings. Take heart, though: Medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote that lust is the least deadly of the seven sins. (Of course, he was sitting in a brothel when he wrote that. Go figure.)

Not me hehehe :twisted:

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 11:29 pm
by Snap Dragon get the results of a little quiz i have to join a stupid website and all its crap? No THANKS !!!! :evil:

Sorry............I am a little grumpy right now....forgive whatever I post....

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 3:26 pm
by spookypete
Oooh, baby! You're guilty of LUST. Some experts say people have a sexually oriented thought every seven seconds, but you just might throw off the curve. Yes, it's true that we live in a society that caters to those seeking immediate pleasure, but that's not all there is to life. Take love, for example — it offers far more sentiment and emotional depth. But no matter what you think, just try to remember pursuing fleeting pleasures is a pastime that leads to no lasting good.