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What Coctail R U?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 4:23 am
by The Stormstress
You’re a wild child.
Adventurous and curious, you’re willing to try just about anything.
On second thought, strike the “just about” part.

Underneath, on top, in private, in public, a second man, a second woman, it’s all cool with you.
Be proud. There aren’t many girls with your kind of spirit.
Guys love that. They’re scared of it, too.
And you love that. Which just fuels the fires even more.

To make your own kick ass Sex on the Beach:

1 part peach schnapps
1 part vodka
1 part cranberry juice
1 part orange juice
1 part pineapple juice

Shake peach schnapps, vodka, juices, and ice well. Strain into a big glass filled with ice.
What Coctail R U?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:25 am
by Codeine Coma
Image Aggressive, in control and focused.
You don’t take shit from no man and no man would dare give it.
No matter how much money he has, no matter how big his arms are...
he don’t get no poon-tang until you say so.

Not only are you driving the bus, you fucking own it. You built it.
And no one gets on unless you choose to accept his ticket.
Or her ticket, whatever. As previously noted, you are driving.

To make your own kick ass apple flavored Martini:

2 parts vodka
1 part apple liqueur
apple slice

Shake vodka, apple liqueur, and ice well. Strain into a chilled martin glass. Garnish with apple slice.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 11:14 am
by lovechild

An unexpected bonus for just about every guy on the planet.
He’s plowing you and you’re yelling for more.
Talk dirty, talk cheap, scream his name, scream complete gibberish. No matter.

You are the Mariah Carey of the bedroom and he loves every fucking syllable that spews from your luscious mouth.
Maybe you’re the "Mary the Librarian" type by day.
But by night, honey, watch out.
The vocal chords let loose with everything your heart and mind have been thinking about all day long.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 10:45 pm
by Ashes

sometimes you just can't help yourself! :D :D :D

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 2:09 pm
by Mother Mo

An unexpected bonus for just about every guy on the planet.
He’s plowing you and you’re yelling for more.
Talk dirty, talk cheap, scream his name, scream complete gibberish. No matter.

You are the Mariah Carey of the bedroom and he loves every fucking syllable that spews from your luscious mouth.
Maybe you’re the "Mary the Librarian" type by day.
But by night, honey, watch out.
The vocal chords let loose with everything your heart and mind have been thinking about all day long.

To make your own kick ass Screaming Orgasm:

1 part Kahlua
1 part Irish Cream
1 part Amaretto
1 part Vodka

Shake well and serve in a fancy glass over ice :-)

Eh, I don't really agree with this one. No answers cover a twice married mother with her tubes tied. Ah well, my man's a martini. Pour me a tall glass of that! :twisted:

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:25 am
by Space Traveler 9
yeah, you all know the rest...

I wonder why I didn't get a shot of whiskey...??

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 5:36 pm
by cutelittlepsycho20
i am a screaming orgasm :roar:


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:09 am
by amazongoddess

An unexpected bonus for just about every guy on the planet.
He’s plowing you and you’re yelling for more.
Talk dirty, talk cheap, scream his name, scream complete gibberish. No matter. You are the Mariah Carey of the bedroom and he loves every fucking syllable that spews from your luscious mouth. Maybe you’re the "Mary the Librarian" type by day. But by night, honey, watch out.
The vocal chords let loose with everything your heart and mind have been thinking about all day long.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:55 pm
by Exquisite Mystery
Interesting, but mostly; Not me.
Insatiable and always on the prowl.
Secretly, you love the fact that men are always labeled the pigs.
You know better. Oink, oink, Bee-otch.
Your eyes are always roaming and your pussy is always wet.

But that doesn’t mean you give it up. Au contraire.
You make him work for it, like the dog he is.
That’s the way of the world.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:10 am
by Onibubba
Space Traveler 9 wrote:I wonder why I didn't get a shot of whiskey...??

OK this inspired me. I suggest an ammendment to this thread...What kind of drink are you really? and how would I make you?


I am a mojito. I try to stay on top of what is new and exciting, but it is always nice to know that you can easily fall back on the strength of nigh pure alcohol. I pack a potent punch of 90% liquor and 10% sweetness, which makes me hard for most people to swallow. Thats why I mellow my edginess with a touch of herb - in this case, mint. I'm a mint julip in a Hawaiian shirt and not for the faint of heart.

Make me with:

1. Make a simple syrup - sugar and water. Mull some mint leaves (just mush them a bit to get the flavor out). Put the leaves, and syrup (about 1 oz or less to flavor) into the glass and mix around until you smell the mint.

2. Squeeze and add a 2 quarters of a seeded lime, Fill with crushed ice.

2. Fill with rum.

3. Give me a stir and add a bit of club soda if you're a pussy.

4. Repeat 12 times. Who's your daddy now?