You are *Riff-Raff*! This is essentially your show. You may stay in the background to start with but you come into your own at the end. You are definetly a 'family man' and you've become an icon for Rocky Horror fans worldwide. Not bad for a hunchback with little hair!
Oh sad is the world. but I have Kavorkian's scarf.
You are *Riff-Raff*! This is essentially your show. You may stay in the background to start with but you come into your own at the end. You are definetly a 'family man' and you've become an icon for Rocky Horror fans worldwide. Not bad for a hunchback with little hair!
You are *Magenta*! You're husky singing voice and luscious lips make you very very sexy! Guys want you, girls want to be you and you have the biggest hair ever seen on film! You do have a rather strange obsession with your brother though...
You are *Frank*! You are the star of the show! You are definitely a performer although you can get stroppy if you don't get your way. But you are sexy, charming and rather naughty. Ditch the pearls though...
You are *Riff-Raff*! This is essentially your show. You may stay in the background to start with but you come into your own at the end. You are definetly a 'family man' and you've become an icon for Rocky Horror fans worldwide. Not bad for a hunchback with little hair!
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
You are *Riff-Raff*! This is essentially your show. You may stay in the background to start with but you come into your own at the end. You are definetly a 'family man' and you've become an icon for Rocky Horror fans worldwide. Not bad for a hunchback with little hair!
"O spanish tonk! your ship baked atists are."
stop. my amygdala is listening!
You are *Columbia*! Yay! You are probably the coolest female character in the show! You can sing, dance and still manage to look cute in pyjamas. You love greasy bikers and top hats but we love you anyways!!
You are *Riff-Raff*! This is essentially your show. You may stay in the background to start with but you come into your own at the end. You are definetly a 'family man' and you've become an icon for Rocky Horror fans worldwide. Not bad for a hunchback with little hair!
Nemesis wrote: You are *Frank*! You are the star of the show! You are definitely a performer although you can get stroppy if you don't get your way. But you are sexy, charming and rather naughty. Ditch the pearls though...
Wow... who-da-thunk-it..? I like the Pearls LOL
Oh christ on a crutch man. No wonder we get along. I also am a Frank.............
The Fallen wrote:You are *Riff-Raff*! This is essentially your show. You may stay in the background to start with but you come into your own at the end. You are definetly a 'family man' and you've become an icon for Rocky Horror fans worldwide. Not bad for a hunchback with little hair!
Not surprising there. You would make a good Riff.
Actually I played Brad a lot on the stage...
Oh sad is the world. but I have Kavorkian's scarf.
The Fallen wrote:You are *Riff-Raff*! This is essentially your show. You may stay in the background to start with but you come into your own at the end. You are definetly a 'family man' and you've become an icon for Rocky Horror fans worldwide. Not bad for a hunchback with little hair!
Not surprising there. You would make a good Riff.
Actually I played Brad a lot on the stage...
I usually played Frank. I played Riff once, and it just didn't look right.
You are *Rocky*! You are manly with a lovely bod, although your brain power doesn't amount to much. You just can't seem to get a grip on those heels but that's o.k because you get to corrupt Janet. Go you!
well...I always thought I had some nice arm muscles...
~The Sex Goddess of the Western Hemisphere (otherwize known as Kris)
You are *Magenta*! You're husky singing voice and luscious lips make you very very sexy! Guys want you, girls want to be you and you have the biggest hair ever seen on film! You do have a rather strange obsession with your brother though...[/list]
Hate finds fertile soil so easily. ~Diary of Dreams