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Cutthroat Shamrock at Preservation pub Fri. 08/13/04.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 7:34 pm
by morepunkthangoth
For fans of Irish drinking/punk/rock music, Cutthroat Shamrock is a great local band.

Cutthroat Shamrock will play after four other bands, going on at about midnight, at Preservation Pub on Friday, 08/13/04.

Please check them out if you are at all into that sort of thing.

I don't remember the other bands, but Metropulse online has the listing. The first band should be on at about 10pm.

Thanks, Chuck at

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:32 pm
by Mother Mo
I wish I'd known sooner. I still haven't heard them play & really want to. Maybe next time... :roll:

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:08 pm
by morepunkthangoth
Well, as it happened, they went on about an hour early, so we missed most of their set. The few songs we heard were good, as
usual, Ben & Derrick were funny as always, and we got to talk to Derrick a bit afterwards. He got married the next day. He also said that he wants to set up a small show at the Fox & Parrott when my home brewed Irish stout is ready, so the band can taste it with us. Cutthroat Shamrock has also said that they will keep me updated on any upcoming shows, so as I know I'll try & let you & everyone else know.


Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 2:22 pm
by tat2jay
i missed this cuz i was on my way to atlanta for drills but i have seen these guys play and they do rock - they are my local paddy gibney replacement - i usually ask for the "wild rover" ;) outstanding guys though, please do keep us updated, i would love to come out and hear them again