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What Warcraft 3 Race Best Suits You?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:57 pm
by Nigredo
The Undead. You are calm, yet ambitious. You talk your way out of everything, and have a knack for... making people become devoted followers of you.
Human (You scored 1)
Orc (You scored 1)
Undead (You scored 3)
Night Elf (You scored 2)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:46 am
by Lost Traveler
Your Results:
Night Elf
The Night Elf, You hide from everything. Most of the time, you sneak away from any situation, and live another day. Hey, it's better than ending up dead, like the Orc probably will.
[no image]
Human (You scored 1)
Orc (You scored 0)
Undead (You scored 2)
Night Elf (You scored 4)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:34 pm
by MadHatter
Your Results:
Night Elf
The Night Elf, You hide from everything. Most of the time, you sneak away from any situation, and live another day. Hey, it's better than ending up dead, like the Orc probably will.
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
Human (You scored 0)
Orc (You scored 0)
Undead (You scored 1)
Night Elf (You scored 6)

I can actually see it. Never mind, my mirror walked away.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:42 pm
by LordHades
The Undead. You are calm, yet ambitious. You talk your way out of everything, and have a knack for... making people become devoted followers of you.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:52 pm
by JaaGula

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:27 pm
by ArsenicAngel
Your Results:
Night Elf
The Night Elf, You hide from everything. Most of the time, you sneak away from any situation, and live another day. Hey, it's better than ending up dead, like the Orc probably will.