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Another Cat Quiz.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:32 am
by Nigredo
Cat Scrach Fever.

Cat Character Quiz.

Comic cat: These cats are the clowns of the feline world. Always unpredictable, they are so lively, you can’t keep up with their non-stop antics. Jumping at invisible objects, tearing up and over furniture while pursuing an unseen foe, these cats don’t need you to amuse them, because they’re busy keeping you entertained! Two of these cats are more than twice the fun, but secure your breakables. These cats bring adventure and humor into every home.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:07 pm
by JaaGula
My two cats ..Ratchet and Akasha are...

Man’s best friend cat: These cats are almost dog-like in their devotion. The impression of an aloof and uncaring feline just doesn’t apply here. These cats simply adore their companions, padding after them and insisting on close physical proximity. Some respond well to training, learning to come when called and even to play “catch.â€

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:33 pm
by Mother Mo
I have lots of cats, but this was my favorite, Spot...

Man’s best friend cat: These cats are almost dog-like in their devotion. The impression of an aloof and uncaring feline just doesn’t apply here. These cats simply adore their companions, padding after them and insisting on close physical proximity. Some respond well to training, learning to come when called and even to play “catch.â€

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:35 pm
by Mother Mo
Then Bella & Buffy got this one...

Outdoorsy cat: These cats have an untamed quality, whether they frequent city streets or country lanes. Their wanderlust leads them on daily adventures and insightful owners know not to inhibit these instincts. They may or may not submit to affectionate cuddling, but do display their loyalty by bringing “treasuresâ€

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:14 pm
by The Stormstress
(WO)Man’z best friend cat