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Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:35 am
by karmakaze
was fun. i am glad that i decided to finally come out of my hole.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:42 am
by Mother Mo
Ah, I missed you! I was in the tent most of the night reading cards. Thanks to everyone who donated so generously to our cause. Your donations will be delivered as soon as is convenient to their recepient.

Thanks also to Scorptrio, Josh, & Joseph for helping with the readings & fund raising. You helped make our endeavor very successful & I appreciate your generosity.

To those who didn't get a reading & wanted one (& yes, I know there were quite a few), I offer my apologies along with some consolation. After discussing it with the gents, we agree that coming down to 11th on a Friday would be a nice way to offer another chance to those we missed. It was really great to see such enthusiam from the participants. A very rewarding way to spend All Hallow's Eve, to be sure!

Nice turn out, too. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:04 pm
by Mistress Eve(L)
Seriously, I had such a great time doing the burlesque last night. I want to do it again soon. I was so completely nervous and it all went away when everyone started cheering.

HOWEVER!!!!!!!! after the manson show, apparently someone stole my black waist cincher and the sheer sided undies I was wearingf off of the stage. so if anyone saw who did that, let me know. Who the hell steals undies. and who the hell steals from me!!!! Thats bullshit.

I want to thank Arkady, Bone, and Vader for giving me the opportunity to do this.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:36 pm
I wish i could of maid it for the card readings but I was in the Old City but i was broke..... so close but so far away.... i just went out in my coustoume ...... i went has a drunken frat daddy .... i dont think some people got the joke in it cause I was with a friend of mine who went has like a dead goth striper/hooker so I kinda looked like I was just some looser boyfriend but hell i got a laugh out of it but o well all togeather i had a good time......

:twisted: CHRISTOFF :twisted:

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:44 pm
by Jack
Sanctus was a very fun time except for one thing - a girl I was with there had also brought her best friend.

Her friend was slipped something into a drink, something very bad, resulting in extreme panic, shallow breathing, convulsions, and eventually, an ambulance call to my apartment.

We are pretty sure who it was, but won't post his description until more can be learned. It was a "normal" frat looking guy, though, most likely, because she was talking to two such guys and they bought her a couple drinks (and obviously, puking for over an hour and freaking out so badly is not the result of two drinks and a beer).

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:53 pm
by Zeo
Jack wrote:Sanctus was a very fun time except for one thing - a girl I was with there had also brought her best friend.

Her friend was slipped something into a drink, something very bad, resulting in extreme panic, shallow breathing, convulsions, and eventually, an ambulance call to my apartment.

We are pretty sure who it was, but won't post his description until more can be learned. It was a "normal" frat looking guy, though, most likely, because she was talking to two such guys and they bought her a couple drinks (and obviously, puking for over an hour and freaking out so badly is not the result of two drinks and a beer).

Jesus Tit Fucking Christ, that's shitty.
People who do that shit should be chained by the leg to a wall in a dingy underground bathroom somewhere to starve to death and
given a hacksaw to make the decision of cutting off a limb to escape.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:56 pm
by Mother Mo
Mistress Eve(L) wrote:Seriously, I had such a great time doing the burlesque last night. I want to do it again soon. I was so completely nervous and it all went away when everyone started cheering.

HOWEVER!!!!!!!! after the manson show, apparently someone stole my black waist cincher and the sheer sided undies I was wearingf off of the stage. so if anyone saw who did that, let me know. Who the hell steals undies. and who the hell steals from me!!!! Thats bullshit.

I want to thank Arkady, Bone, and Vader for giving me the opportunity to do this.

I saw one of your shows, dear, & you looked GREAT! Thanks to you for the wonderful entertainment!

Sucks about your property being taken, sucks even more about Jack's friend. I'm so sorry someone decided to be such an ass. We wish them much karma, indeed.

I guess it's time to say this one again... Ladies, never leave a drink unattended. If you do, consider it dead & get another one. Also, never accept a drink from a stranger unless you personally see the bar tender make it & put it your hand. The crap some of those predators use is nothing to take lightly.

Jack, I hope you friend is alright. Thanks for letting us know about it, too.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:58 pm
by jjenisis
Anybody have pictures up yet?


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:05 pm
by Nigredo
It was Crazzzy Wild last night. Me and Caitlin had a BLAST. We loved the gaint milkshake. Crazzzy... :shock:

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:24 pm
by tat2jay
i am sorry i was so tired last night, if i was less than social i do apologize
i had a wonderful time playing with sythesis, thank you bone and arkady for giving me the chance to play with you guys -
i am always amazed at the amount of beautiful and friendly people i see when i go out - i just wish we could have been more energetic to enjoy it longer :)

(shameless plug) but dont worry we have made a promise to take a nap this saturday before Temple :D

Re: Sanctus

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:47 pm
by vicious_blood
Frostmourne wrote: Me and Caitlin and I had a BLAST.

There was TWO of you there?!?! :shock: Dammit, I knew I should have went!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:02 pm
by karmakaze
I 'm so sorry someone decided to be such an ass. We wish them much karma, indeed.

Thats right. where are they? I will break things.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:22 pm
by LordHades
Sanctus was quite an entertaining experience. Quite sadly, I missed out on Lady Eve(l)'s first show.. they should really announce those louder! But I caught the second two and was suitably impressed! The Boobies are strong with this one! Mmm.. Yummy. Sadly, I never did get to meet her, perhaps at another event :) I was glad to see everyone was well behaved.. well, besides the prick who went and stole her stuff.. And whoever spiked the poor girl's drink. But still, there was no climbing up on stage trying to get a.. closer look at the lovely performer, as terribly tempting as it was.. And for that I'm very proud of myself :twisted: Hehe.. Thanks to Mother Mo for providing a wonderful tarot reading that, if nothing else, gives me something to talk about with lovely older ladies. And for turning me down gently when I tried it with her ;) Oh, and for granting me repeated sanctuary in the only non-smoking area in the entire club :P Three nights in a row out and it was starting to get to me.

Hrmm, that is one long paragraph.. let's start another! The costumes were lovely.. and the people in them even moreso.. Hehe, if Jim didn't intimidate me so much, I woulda been hard pressed not to carry Missy off a time or two :P Scorptrio.. I guess you're never gonna hear the story now.. Thanks to Ms. Tangledwebs for forgiving me for my attempt at halloween mischief. You should have come to IHOP. That goes to you too Mother Mo! We missed you there. Thanks to Abbey for looking out for me again, and her nigh-infinite, though sorely tested patience with my poor navigational skills. Thanks to AmazonGoddess (I hope I got that name right) for a lovely grope, it certainly made my evening ;) I still didn't get my requests played :( But I'll keep trying! The music, regardless, was excellent, and didn't make my ears bleed once this time.

To everyone else, those lovely darkened souls who were beautiful, hideous, and expecially the buxom and scantily clad.. Thank you for a wonderful evening.

To the miscreants who caused mischief far beyond the good spirited nature of the holiday. Rot in the eternal damnation of your choice.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:04 pm
by amazongoddess
Thanks to AmazonGoddess (I hope I got that name right) for a lovely grope, it certainly made my evening

Yes dear, you got the name right. And since you were the only one who actually asked before you grabbed my hind quarters, I just couldn't say no. You were such a gentleman about it.

To the DJ's, thank you for the wonderful music. It was the best night of dancing and entertainment I've had in quite some time. Thanks once again to Mo, for your time and expertice.

To everyone else I met and talked to, thank you for helping to make my night so enjoyable.

And to the asses who couldn't behave themselves last night, I hope fate sees fit to shrivel your genitalia and give you warts.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:17 pm
by pryjmaty
:(:(:( I hate that I missed it! Except for the drugging incident, it sounds like everyone had a WONDERFUL time!! Arkady was kind enough to offer me a comfy spot to put my leg up if I was able to be there, but I just don't think I would have been capable of a night out. I really miss alot of people and can't wait until I'm able to get out & about again.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:20 pm
by FreakySeekers
we did get some great pics last night ,but it will take time for us to get them up ,for we are always doing something ,i swear to get them to you all !! and got great band video and MistressEveL also !!! wwwwwwwwwwwwwhhooooooooooooo!!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:56 am
by QueenOfTheFlock
Only three states kept me away this weekend. Sorry to have missed it but I look forward to seeing all pictures and swapping Halloween/Hallowicked stories with people over the next week.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:31 pm
by sinful_fetish
To All~

This was my first event in Knox and I loved it. I was a lil worried about the goth/industrial scene in a new city, (Been here since February, from Philly, PA) but I was more than pleasantly surprised. The music was great and the people amazing. Also, good god that person in the stilt costume thingy!!

~Pandy :shock:

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:01 am
by The Fallen
sinful_fetish wrote: Also, good god that person in the stilt costume thingy!!:shock:

Heh that was our ever creative Trance, who works/runs (I think) a theater company up in Gatlinburg. He outdoes himself every year I swear.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:03 am
by LordHades
Yes.. I can only hope someone got some footage of him and a couple of the pretty schoolgirls that were running around.. I mean.. what's a tentacle monster without schoolgirls?