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Crank sucks.
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:43 pm
by B_Ko
During crank's shift on 94.3, he played "Welcome to Paradise" by Green Day, which happens to be one of my favorite bands. I was thinking, "Hey, 94.3's getting good again." Then crank came on and ruined by saying "God, who told Billy Joe and the other guys of green day to wear eyeliner? they all look so gay." I'm all for freedom of speech, but this pissed me off for three reasons:
1. He used gay as a derogatory. This offends me personally because i have sex with men.
2. He was bashing Green Day. The only thng you can bash Green Day for was Shenanigans, because damn did Shenanigans suck.
3. Had he directly addressed any of the other members the band about wearing the eyeliner, i would have been slightly less enraged, but instead he addressed billy joe, the one guy in the band that's not ass-ugly. Plus, i love guys who wear eyeliner. Except for Tre. God, Tre is so ugly.
Well, that's my 2 cents.
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:10 pm
by abreeskye
I turned on my radio in my car (which I rarely do, just because of shit like this) on my way home from getting groceries.
I heard that fucktard saying that shit to some chick that works there, her name escapes me right now. Talking about how jacoby shaddix and billy joe were "girlie men" for wearing eyeliner and mascara.
He went on to say he was talking with that roach guy dj....and roach stood up for men with eyeliner.
The whole thing just pissed me off and sickened me. I'm sure he's just jealous because he couldn't pull it off! He must be super insecure with himself. I was really angry.
Something happened with that fucking radio station a few years or so back....It was right before Type O Negatives World Coming Down album came out. They were playing a new song off of it....
Anyway....this dickhead dj they used to have there, boner I think he went by....started dissing type o....I can't remember what all he said now, but I was realllllly angry. I called him up and scolded him. I wound up talking to him for like an hour or so....and, he apologized. Prolly didn't mean it, but hopefully he remembers it from time to time before he opens his big mouth.
I swear, I rarely listen to that station. Sometimes, when flipping stations in my car, I hear something on there I like. I usually have to turn the shit off as soon as the djs open their mouths.
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:14 pm
by vicious_blood
So B_Ko are you a dude? I can't remember if I ever established that or not...anyways, so if you are a dude and have sex with dudes, that totally kicks ass.
And I think I get what you are saying.
Plus, Billy Joe Armstrong is maybe Crank meant something along those lines, too.
Oh, well.
People are stupid and do stupid things. Then other people either get mad or make fun of them. That's just the way the world works and I highly doubt it will ever change.
And I had a point but I can't remember it now.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:20 pm
by The Stormstress
IHere, I thought that this waz a drug review ... LOL
The gay & eyeliner bashing r bs ... not terribly bothered by the Greeny Day stuff, tho ...
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:53 am
by Spam
I personally think guys that wear eyeliner are silly, but I also think anyone that wear cowboy hats are silly. To each his own, to take this kind of offence to what a complete stranger says is a waste of energy, people I don't know diss stuff I like all the time and i take no offence to it, it is just their oppinion and last I checked, at least in this country, they are entitled to it, and they are entitled to say it however they wish too. I may not agree with what the KKK or the Neo Nazis have to say, but I think they have the right ot say it. As for the using gay as a derogitory, people do it, I even do it on occation with out thinking. It is just a word it only has the amount of meaning that you let it have.
Re: Crank sucks.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:29 am
by Jack
B_Ko wrote:During crank's shift on 94.3, he played "Welcome to Paradise" by Green Day, which happens to be one of my favorite bands. I was thinking, "Hey, 94.3's getting good again."
They're probably feeling the pressure from West 105.3. That's actually a fairly surprising song choice; I don't think it was ever actually released as a single, though it was by far the best song from their second and third albums.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:35 am
by Jack
Spam wrote:I personally think guys that wear eyeliner are silly, but I also think anyone that wear cowboy hats are silly.
Now wait just one damn minute. I do both at the same time. Do they cancel out or magnify the sillyness?
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:05 am
by blindboy
When I wear eyeliner I like to pretend im John Cusack and that makes me happy. Although when im pretending to be John I also have to pretend to be brooding and sad so yeah.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:16 am
by karlaBOO
blindboy wrote:When I wear eyeliner I like to pretend im John Cusack and that makes me happy. Although when im pretending to be John I also have to pretend to be brooding and sad so yeah.
And that is just one of the reasons why I Love You *tear in my eye*
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:42 am
by sinful_fetish
Guys who wear eyeliner = hot
'nuff said
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:43 am
by karmakaze
you know.. i have never actually worn eyeliner.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:45 am
by sinful_fetish
karmakaze wrote:you know.. i have never actually worn eyeliner.
That why you were only voted 7 out of 10 in the super secret rate a KG man poll.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:00 am
by rec|use
man i really thought this was gonna be some sort of community stance about getting crank out of your neighborhoods
fuck green day
fuck high speed chicken feed
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:17 pm
by 4X541N7
karmakaze wrote:you know.. i have never actually worn eyeliner.
I have pictures from
back in the day! Though I haven't seen you wear any in the recent past...I have pictures with you wearing eyeliner....
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:28 pm
by Melicious Scam
Normally my boyfriend wouldn't even consider degrading himself when it comes to eyeliner.
but one time i tricked him into wearing eyeliner, and i pounced on him....
two hours later, he decided that eyeliner wasn't so bad
also, i heard that billy joe had cancer. is this true or is it just some sort of internet rumor?
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:34 pm
by paintedbird
sinful_fetish wrote:Guys who wear eyeliner = hot
'nuff said
So true...If it's on the right guy
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:38 pm
by karmakaze
4X541N7 wrote:karmakaze wrote:you know.. i have never actually worn eyeliner.
I have pictures from
back in the day! Though I haven't seen you wear any in the recent past...I have pictures with you wearing eyeliner....
ummm no you don't. because it has never been applied to my face. i have worn lipstick before. thats about it.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:29 pm
by 4X541N7
karmakaze wrote:4X541N7 wrote:karmakaze wrote:you know.. i have never actually worn eyeliner.
I have pictures from
back in the day! Though I haven't seen you wear any in the recent past...I have pictures with you wearing eyeliner....
ummm no you don't. because it has never been applied to my face. i have worn lipstick before. thats about it.
You are wearing lipstick....Maybe you just look like you're wearing eyeliner because you have a hood over your face...It's from about 4-5 years ago...Maybe I'm a Fucktard...Who knows?
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:19 pm
by judas gnb
After thinking long and hard about this one i decided to take a go on this topic.I see 94.3 as a strait guy's radio station (see men's day wensday and no panties thursday)Crank was probley playing to there demographic.Which would be beer drinkin, nascar loving,gotta hear Metallica 35 times a day on 94.3.Just like Spam said the word gay is just a word I use it tons talking about people places and things.To sum up if your goin to be gay and like green day in Tennesse ya might wanna get a thicker skin.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:07 pm
by Dark Lotus
Fuck yeah!!! 94.3 sucks!!!! I know I use to work there. Radio station DJ's are the lowest forms of life on the planet. They take bribes from record lables. Lable sends more CD's, T-shirts, plasma TV's, card tables, autographed gituars, checks$$$, band gets more spins on station. Sometimes these are use as prizes sometimes they end up at program directors houses. With the exceptions of your Metallicas, Tools, and like, they have $PAID$ their dues corporate machines. That goes on every where not just in little market 72 Knoxville. 90% percent of the time you hear a new song on the radio some one just got paid and you thought the commericals paid all the bills. Crank as a person, I couldn't tell you I work with the guy for what 8 months and never really knew him. But think about this because of what he said your on knoxgothic message board talking about him. He acomplished his goal he got you talking about him and his shitty station. Sorry about all the random bashing of corporate radio at the begining. I don't like the radio because they have no clue what is good.