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TEMPLE SUCKS - well not really (i hope)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:20 am
by tat2jay
(this needed to be moved to a new thread, not the request thread)

Aleister wrote:

My point was this.

A promoter promotes a night.

i am not a professionaly trained promoter, i am a combat photographer that started a club night cuz i wanted to, im doing the best i can.

Aleister wrote:
whats the hype here, it's the night where you can hear anything and everything?

yeah thats pretty much exactly it

Aleister wrote:
whether it be this or that, one type of music or another atleast I'd know what I'd be driving 4 hours in one night for but if he or she can't really decide then I as the customer, really doesn't have to come? that is my point.

we have always stated that its an alternative dance night based based around darker music but not confined to darker music, this is clearly stated on the web site - i dont know many people that make a 4 hour drive round trip from bristol, it usually takes me an hour one way from knox, but i understand your point - it is a long drive esp if your looking to hear only gothic music and you get there and you hear such a wide variety of stuff, i can see how that would be terribly dissappointing -
as far as whats getting played, i HAVE decided, i call it a diverse pot luck of dance music you prolly wont hear at most other clubs in knoxville at a weekly night - and your right, you as a customer dont have to come - i never said you did, i just said i like having you there, but your right, it is totally your call if you want to make the drive or not - im sure there are plenty of clubs in the bristol area that are open on saturdays, it is near a college town - the rafters (in johnson city) has a monthly goth night now, its on a friday, but you might be able to check with them and see if they have a darker mood thing happening on saturday nights - we would miss your company, but we dont want you unhappy

Aleister wrote:
you know you guys are way to touchy about whatever,
calm down, I know it's Knoxville, (ick Clinton) but you know it doesn't have to be.

i dont feel i am too touchy about this, just want to make sure its clear that you mislabeled what i had already labeled from the begining, i want to be sure you know what your getting so you dont have to make that trip if you dont want to - but its all cool - and yeah i know its knoxville (not new york city) and i WANT it to be knoxville, if i didnt , i would move to another town - but i like it :D

Aleister wrote:
When I had 7th Street people were begging me to do something in Knoxville, becuase they knew it would be something wicked cool and it would last and it would be what it's supposed to be not "whatever" to whomever"

why didnt you? we as knoxvillians might still have multiple gothic dance nights now ;)

Aleister wrote:Again the job of the promoter is to get people he wants to see out in the club. certain bands bring certain people, certain music brings certain people etc, it's a very simple concept.

i thougth the job of the promoter was to make money - in which case i am failing horribly -
but if the job of the promoter is to get people he wants to see out in the club, then i have succeded - i see people with diverse interests in various styles of music, and an open mind to appreciate other peopels interests in various styles of music - and on top of that, a lot of us like irish car bombs as well :D woot!!

Aleister wrote:
my credintials are I owned the best club in east Tennessee for 6 years, 7th Street and I closed it with money in my pocket when I wanted to close it. I have a good idea of what is what, I worked for very hugelly successful promoters in Manhattan and learned from the best.

my credintials are listening to lots of music, making some friends, and enjoying their company and being too stupid to know when im beat ;)
i didnt learn from anyone, so i made the night belong to everyone - thats why we have our patrons DJ, thats why we have theme nights drivin by what people on the temple forum are asking for - its a community run night for the most part - i appreciate your expereince and insight esp your training with manhatten promoters, but i think you have the wrong idea about what temple was supposed to be from the start, a night of the people

Aleister wrote:
basically if your going play variant music the begining or end of the night are the two best times, not midnight, basically either play the off stuff early when no one is there or late to run people out.

but some people like to dance to ABBA at midnight, even goths

Aleister wrote:
The main thing I learned was you have to pay people because then you have leverage to tell them what to do and not to do, it's not like they are doing you a favor.

i do pay my DJs, even before i pay anyone else. i do tell them what to play, "stuff they like that people can dance to", unless its early or late then they can play pretty much anything - and i disagree, they are doing me a favor, they are sharing themselves with everyone in the club, including me, and the patrons are doing me a favor by showing up - i dont feel like anyone that works for , or attends, temple in my debt, i feel as if i am in theirs. (damn small town southern mentality)

Aleister wrote:
DJ's should get paid, bands should get paid they are worth every cent.

i agree, and as stated above, all my djs (even the opener that has never spun before) get paid - i have even had to chase a few down to give them money. (BRAD!)

Aleister wrote:
anyway that's my two cents, Not sure if we will return now that we know the night could be this or that and we will just blame it on Knoxville or something going on someplace else.

the plan should be to call the night something have direction and hold the course for a period of time to build the night, promote and keep people happy not make excuses.

i understand, and like i said, we like having you around, and you will be missed if you decide not to come out - but dont blame it on knoxville, its all my fault :D

maybe the plan should be different, but i have what i have and i love what i do and i am having a blast doing it - i think the people are happy, and im not making excuses for anything, i am doing it my way :D

btw, the offer still stands to let you dj there if you would like, just let me know and i know bev wanted to do some vending, so if she still wants to and it doesnt clash with wasted potential stuff, have her drop me an email!
hope to see you out again, but i totally understand if you dont want to - it was a pleasure meeting you both :)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:54 am
by pryjmaty
Wow! All I can say is that you are the nicest, most diplomatic guy I've ever met, Jay!!! Kudos to you cause I know that I would not have been that diplomatic. Heh, guess that's why you run the club night. ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:00 am
by Onibubba
Jesus H Christ Jay. You are bing WAY too diplomatic ;-) Thanks for the advice Aleister, but you are right, this is not NY. Nor is is San Francisco, nor is it NOLA. Maybe clubs there can afford to have a more select clientele, but we all need to band together here to keep these nights going. That means keeping the music fun and interesting for everyone.

Every DJ has a different style or genre that they favor. I'd recommend looking at past playlists and coming when a particular DJ that favors more gothic sets is playing.

In the meantime, please, keep raining on our parade. It makes the atmosphere so much more goth.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:52 am
by pryjmaty
Onibubba wrote:Jesus H Christ Jay. You are bing WAY too diplomatic ;-)

Yes, but that is one of the things that makes him 'Jay' and why everyone loves him so much.

Onibubba wrote:In the meantime, please, keep raining on our parade. It makes the atmosphere so much more goth.


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:17 am
by sinful_fetish
Jay is a very diplomatic guy, and all in all extremely nice to everyone. I on the other hand am not.

I come from a *hardcore* if you like, goth scene - Philadelphia, PA. Now I realize that it is not NYC by any means, but it does have more of the club scene you are referring to. Now, when I first came to TN I was surprised that they even had a functioning goth scene (no offense guys) let alone multiple events a month. Now, I realize that the club nights here are not on the grand scale that you see in say NYC or Philadelphia, but really think the scene here that large and bringing in large amounts of money that you know the East Coast clubs bring in.
I enjoy the darker typical goth bands, and depending on the DJ for the night I usually can get my fix in. You are judging the music from say...two nights at Temple? Now, I will be the first to admit I do not enjoy hip hop music.....but I enjoy seeing people dancing around to what they like to hear. If the night consists of Beborn Beton, Informatik, pretty much the Metropolis Label bands and thrown in some ABBA, Outkast and Flock of Seagulls is it really that big of a deal? I mean it is promoted as an Alternative Dance Night....which means varying types of music. I do understand that Sanctus has a more *typical* gothic feel to it. Have you attended that event? Does that one make you feel more at home? I, on the other hand thoroughly enjoy my time at Temple. If a song that I do not particularly enjoy comes on then it is bathroom/smoke/drink break time. I have been to Temple @Amnesia since it started (I think?- lol) and I have see Jay work his ass off to make it an enjoyable night for ALL. So, far I believe it has. He constantly is having new themes for the nights, which keeps it interesting. He is helping a start up business get their name out and providing the Temple patrons with some cool items to spend their money on. Did you happen to enjoy anything from the nights that you spent at Temple? Besides of course a chance to get your name out there?
I was even more annoyed when I posted a thread to see what people wanted to hear when I DJ'd and your post did not include a single request for that night or even hey....sometime I would like to hear this. Did you even read the requests for what the public wanted? Did you notice the varying types? Even goths are not cookie cutter types, they may enjoy the scene for different reasons and appreciate different music styles.
All in all this rant came about because I was angry about how you decided to express your views. I am a die hard Yankee myself and may come across as forward and opinionated at times, but at least when I want to express my views I try to avoid coming across as condescending and obnoxious.
Next time you decide to post, think about what you are trying to say. Maybe next time it will look like an actual opinion, not nit picky and rude.

**Disclaimer - this post is entirely my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect those who run the Temple event at Amnesia**

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:27 pm
by ophelia
Hello, when did Temple EVER claim to be a "goth" night?

I must have missed that somewhere.

It kinda makes the gentleman's rant seem ridiculous (outside of the fact that he assumes that poor little Knoxville wants to be like the "big city" and needs a lesson in culture).

Imagine that, some folks on this board weren't born and bred in the hills, and *gasp* some of us have even been to a Big City (well, when we can git our lame ol' horse hitched up to th' wagon).

Believe me, you won't impress us by your self-proclaimed expertise. And insulting our shin-digs doesn't help much either.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:36 pm
by 4X541N7
All I have to say is, Jay, if I didn't like Irish car bombs before....I would after

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:39 pm
by karlaBOO
Ode to the Gother than Thou (copied from my blog)

Just kill me now.
My soul is pitch black and has the texture of pudding.
Chocolate pudding......Yeah.
Oh, woe. Sigh.
In lament, I paint my nails black
and hand wash my crushed velvet ren-faire shirt.
I pull my black window shades down,
and close my black drapery
so that I may reflect on the black void that is my life.....
and my obviously superior taste in music, as evidenced by one genre.

*This soliloquy was brought to you by SARCASM, the letter Q, and the number 8.*

BTW, I don't have to be diplomatic. *cheers*

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:43 pm
by ophelia
karlaBOO wrote:Ode to the Gother than Thou (copied from my blog)

Just kill me now.
My soul is pitch black and has the texture of pudding.
Chocolate pudding......Yeah.
Oh, woe. Sigh.
In lament, I paint my nails black
and hand wash my crushed velvet ren-faire shirt.
I pull my black window shades down,
and close my black drapery
so that I may reflect on the black void that is my life.....
and my obviously superior taste in music, as evidenced by one genre.

*This soliloquy was brought to you by SARCASM, the letter Q, and the number 8.*

BTW, I don't have to be diplomatic. *cheers*

Lovely, dahling.

I would laugh, but I'm afraid it would crack my pasty white face paint, and the tears may run my mascara.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:10 pm
by abreeskye
karlaBOO wrote:Ode to the Gother than Thou (copied from my blog)

Just kill me now.
My soul is pitch black and has the texture of pudding.
Chocolate pudding......Yeah.
Oh, woe. Sigh.
In lament, I paint my nails black
and hand wash my crushed velvet ren-faire shirt.
I pull my black window shades down,
and close my black drapery
so that I may reflect on the black void that is my life.....
and my obviously superior taste in music, as evidenced by one genre.

*This soliloquy was brought to you by SARCASM, the letter Q, and the number 8.*

BTW, I don't have to be diplomatic. *cheers*


Karla, I love you!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:45 pm
by Thrall
ok, deep breath, and go.

I have two points, first there are real diffrences in the way people in various parts of the country communicate, and baised on the people i know from the northeast, i can not jump to the conclusion that this was ment as a slam. More along the line of constructive critisism and Aleister may be taken aback at our response. That being said, for futrue refrence,he should know that in this culture those threads were extreamly rude. The whole concept of moving to the south and telling everyone how much better life is elsewhere is galling. I personally feel it like going to someone's house uninvited and telling them how much bigger, better, newer and nicer your house is. Please don't do it, you will never get a good reaction here.

point two. I am not the first to say this. Over and over again it has been written on the board and it is so true.
This community is like a family. We can rip each other to shreads but if anyone outside tries the same thing they will be set upon as by wild dogs. so sit back and get to know more people, get to know them better and you will be rewarded with close loyal friends. It just takes a bit longer than a few weeks. ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:22 pm
by temple
it would be better if I were to play it ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:23 pm
by shadow dancer
karlaBOO wrote:Ode to the Gother than Thou (copied from my blog)

So, how many cards are in your fate pile? I can never seem to get rid of the damn "Boots" card. People keep giving them to me. I can't imagine why? *giggle*

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:30 pm
by white_darkness
shadow dancer wrote:
karlaBOO wrote:Ode to the Gother than Thou (copied from my blog)

So, how many cards are in your fate pile? I can never seem to get rid of the damn "Boots" card. People keep giving them to me. I can't imagine why? *giggle*

Trade you, I'm awash in Steady clove supplies and have that wasted look.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:51 pm
by CryptMonger
karlaBOO wrote:In lament, I paint my nails black

Uhh I thought everyone just smashed thier nails with a hammer to get the black color.

Jeez what happened to the true goths??

*pulls out electric stapel gun and begins tacking everyones hand to forehead*

:P :P :P

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:14 pm
by QueenOfTheFlock
My couple cents...I adore the hell out of having Temple. Then again, you all have seen my "gothness" in all my pink and insanity. I don't listen to a lot of "goth" music and I don't know the majority of the bands. Temple is one of the places I can get away to and actually KNOW songs and have fun and it's not overcrowded by people I don't know...but I feel surrounded by people who I feel safe around. Even the ones I don't know quite so well, I feel accepted by. That, to me, is what makes Temple so great. And I couldn't thank Jay enough for making it happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:42 pm
by Mercurygriffin
That is all.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:02 pm
by vicious_blood
I really like Temple just the way it is. If you don't like it, then don't flippin come.

I'm use to big huge clubs and shit, too. (Come on, I'm from Detroit for crying out loud!) But I'd much rather be at a small place like Amnesia. I'm also not really all that goth. I'm just Kit and I like all sorts of music. I can dance to Manson, I can dance to Boy George, I can even dance to weird techno stuff as long as I'm feeling it.

I like the variety that Temple has and I think Jay is doing a damn good job. (Even if he isn't as big of a Rancid fan as I am.) :P~

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:05 pm
by junkie christ
pryjmaty wrote:Wow! All I can say is that you are the nicest, most diplomatic guy I've ever met, Jay!!! Kudos to you cause I know that I would not have been that diplomatic. Heh, guess that's why you run the club night. ;)

no fucking shit
jays my new hero.

Re: TEMPLE SUCKS - well not really (i hope)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:06 pm
by The Fallen
tat2jay wrote:but some people like to dance to ABBA at midnight, even goths

Damn fucking straight ABBA is da shit!!
Thrall wrote:The whole concept of moving to the south and telling everyone how much better life is elsewhere is galling.

The whole concept of moving to the south is galling :> but I wouldn't trade if for the world, I have a new family here...
Aleister wrote:
DJ's should get paid

I could care less, I want my people to have fun damnit, it ain't whether or not I'm getting paid (free drinks of course are ALWAYS welcome tho) its about the people, I spin to see them out having fun, enjoying my music, whether it be De\Vision, Flogging Molly, Sisters of Mercy, Therion, or Men Without Hats...

And for the record, Jay is the bomb, yo!