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yadda yadda yadda
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 7:59 pm
by Arrison
Arrison is here. He is i.
Some of you probably know me and I probably know some of you.
My interest lies in the blending of all people and all causes. The art of truth and/or interaction.
Anyone who wants to go do anything anytime (preferably a libra or aquarius female...meow) feel free to contact me.
I'm down with whatever whenever.
Oh yeah...El Deth is having an event at Iveys this Friday. You oughts come.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 9:01 pm
by The Fallen
blah blah blah
and welcome to the asylum
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 9:05 pm
by Hardcoregirl
Hey Arrison!
How ya doin' homie?
Glad you made it...
*dirty hippie alert dirty hippie alert*
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 9:34 pm
by Hardcoregirl
Hmm...very strange...the night you post and I do some research for Lakeshore...I run across this on
Knoxville - 100 block (downtown) - the legendary ghost of Arrison Kirby, who was run over by a train in 1919 during construction of the railway viaduct of what is now considered the old city. Locals claim that Mr. Kirby's apparition has been seen by train engineers over the past particular description stated of a glowing figure levitated above the train trestle his apparition has haunted many places in the vicinity, including local businesses.
Now that's GOTH...hehe...
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 10:26 pm
by Imp
Greetings and hallucinations.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 11:45 pm
by kissmeblack
Arrison, hey honey! I'm glad you finally joined... now I KNOW you're stalking me... hehehhe. Love ya dear.
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:14 am
by Nemesis
Hey, welcome and stuff... 
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:30 am
by Arrison
Hiya. Funny. Who are you, by the way?'ll have to clue me in to where I might know you from.
And for "shits and giggles," as they say, I shower daily and wash my hair too. My short, nondready hair. I do recycle my pants from time to time as well as the shirts. But the pants much more than the shirts. In fact, good hygene is a pretty important thing to me.
I mostly wear white or green shirts, which doesn't make me seem so gothic, but trust me, I am Satan himself...when I want to be.
I see no difference between myself or anyone I talk to...not at the foundation.
As to the fact that I am a ghost that haunts the Old City...well...I'm sorry I just can't help it. Please don't judge me because I leave ecto-splasm up in your girl.
Badabing! Hey!
Anyway...I'm not stalking anyone. Everyone is stalking me. By my dreams.
Thanks, assholes.
Kidding...I got love for anyone who got love for me.
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:43 am
by Nemesis
Arrison wrote:but trust me, I am Satan himself...
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news... but that position has been filled by yours truly...
Perhaps next time...
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 3:30 am
by Arrison
Come now...
Do you really think there is only one Satan?
How would that be benefitting God in any way?
Tsk tsk.
Re: gerg
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 4:10 am
by Nemesis
Arrison wrote:Come now...
Do you really think there is only one Satan?
How would that be benefitting God in any way?
Tsk tsk
Yes there is... And I would care about benefiting god in any fashion why?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 4:18 am
by Arrison
I didn't say YOU would care about anything.
Obviously, God made Satan. Why would He create something that would NOT benefit Him?
Give and take...give and take. Let in the bad to perpetuate the good. Dive head first into the darkness. This is how the circle completes.

<=====a smile for Satan #86534-0234
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 4:47 am
by Nemesis
Wow...You are really bored huh...?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 4:49 am
by Arrison
Duh again. Sorry.
What's up, doll?
You oughta come out to the show on Friday. Everyone here should. Ivey's...Cedar Bluff...9PM. Equal measures of darkness and light for all!
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 10:41 am
by pryjmaty

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 11:25 am
by Lost Traveler
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 4:05 pm
by The Stormstress
Yeah, but would u yadda yadda sex?

With great drama, comes great resposibility
Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 7:53 pm
by TheSym
Well in reference to the satan thing. I am an associate of the Great White Satan. When we aren't holding charity mixers for election campaigns, we occasionally relieve some of the worlds less fortunate countries of a portion of their excess citizenry. I know it sounds glamorous what with reality TV and microwavable frozen scrambled eggs, but really the whole white thing can be a turn off for goths. To remedy this, I have started a personal campaign of spamming government information ministries in key countries, who have Outrageous Hyperbolic Naming Rights for the Things That Oppose Them as granted by the UN to change our name to the Great Drama Satan. I can think of no other country that wanders the globe with one hand stapled to its forehead whining about terrorism while holding a gold plated nuclear warhead in the other. I think the change in perception brought about by a name change could really only make the world a little darker and gloomier, and hence better for goths.
Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 3:33 am
by Arrison
Would I yadda yadda sex?
I dunno...would sex yadda yadda me?
Actually...I think there would be more yadda yadda to get to the sex, then during the sex itself.
Foreplay is the most important part of sex, I imagine. At least that's what it would be to me.
But I'm kink-AY!
...or something like that.
Goth girls...oh yes. Any Asian Libra goth girls out there? That would easily transcend a simple (but sincere) "oh yes."
PS. I'm obviously AT MOST as bored as you, Satan #86534-0234...but probably less because you can't get too terribly bored when you're....
Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 7:44 am
by Sir Diddimus
Welcome, and
I am God!
Nem, can back this up.........