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I'm new to goth. What is a sanctus?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:20 pm
by LarrySeeker
What is a sanctus?


Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:30 pm
by Jack
Due to actions of Bush and Congress and organized reliigion, I feel as if I'm not part of society. Looking into goth

You are NOT your leather pants.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:38 pm
by Mother Mo
Sanctus is a goth/alternative dance night held at Blue Cats in the Old City, usually on the third Sunday of each month. See the thread in Upcoming Events for details about this month's Star Wars/ Sci Fi themed event. Bone, Arkady, & Michael Xi are the regular DJ's & Vader works the door.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:40 am
by 4X541N7
You are not the contents of your coffin...You are not the hearse you drive...You are not the cape you wear...

Jack wrote:
You are NOT your leather pants.


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 2:28 pm
by Jack
Glad someone got the reference. :D