AdventureCon - June 18-19, 2005

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Sir Diddimus
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AdventureCon - June 18-19, 2005

Post by Sir Diddimus »

Scheduled to appear: (changes to Celebrities)

Adam West - you know, Batman (TV), Mayor on Family Guy
Robert Englund - Freddie Krueger - Saturday Only!
Donna Douglas - Elly May Clampett
Jackson Bostwick - Captain Marvel, Head guard from Tron
Matt Hardy - Just for our many wrastlin' fans - Saturday Only!
John Rhys Davies - Gimli (LOTR), Sallah (Raiders of the Lost Ark) - Saturday Only!
Lou Ferrigno - the true HULK!

And, just added from the Star Wars Galaxy....

Michael Kingma - Tarfful - Star Wars Episode III: ROTS - Sunday Only!
Kenny Baker - R2D2, the badest MF'ing droid in the universe!

The Knoxville Convention Center (downtown), you know the big money sucking hole by the Sunsphere.....

More Info Here......

$8 for Saturday
$4 for Sunday

$10 for both days

9:30 - 7 Saturday
9:30 - 4 Sunday

See you there.....
Last edited by Sir Diddimus on Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by judas gnb »

Three wrestling fans??? there are more than that and dont count me and x. We are just students of the game. But yea i wanna meet Matt Hardy just so i can laugh at him for getting let go by WWE see thats what you get for dating in the business which is a big no no.
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Post by shadow dancer »

Okay, am I the only one that thinks its cool that "Malone" from the Untouchables TV Series is going to be in K-ville? There is my fascination with the Prohibition Era coming out.
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Post by QueenOfTheFlock »

judas gnb wrote:Three wrestling fans??? there are more than that and dont count me and x. We are just students of the game. But yea i wanna meet Matt Hardy just so i can laugh at him for getting let go by WWE see thats what you get for dating in the business which is a big no no.

You touch Matt, you die. :evil:
I love you man but you know I'd do it.


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Aerick Ravenheart
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Post by Aerick Ravenheart »

They will be selling exclusively for AdventureCon....The Edward Scissorhands edition of Living Dead Dolls!!!!!I MUST purchase one, and they WILL be autographed by the sculptor. So f-ing excited....Freddy and Edward Scissordoll!!!!AAAHHH!!!!!LOL
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Post by abreeskye »

Aerick Ravenheart wrote:They will be selling exclusively for AdventureCon....The Edward Scissorhands edition of Living Dead Dolls!!!!!I MUST purchase one, and they WILL be autographed by the sculptor. So f-ing excited....Freddy and Edward Scissordoll!!!!AAAHHH!!!!!LOL

Hmmm...I was under the impression that the Edward doll is being premiered at San Diego CC...where did ya get this info?

Yep, I'm obsessed with LDDs...

And....I haven't heard about Ed, Damien, or Mez coming to this con...
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Post by abreeskye »

judas gnb wrote:Three wrestling fans??? there are more than that and dont count me and x. We are just students of the game. But yea i wanna meet Matt Hardy just so i can laugh at him for getting let go by WWE see thats what you get for dating in the business which is a big no no. wouldn't be so cruel, would ya?

Poor Matt....not only is he having to deal with all the crap...but I wonder how many people are stressing him out at his appearances...


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Post by Wolfs_Bane »

YES!!!! I'm finaly going to get Freddy's autograph and I don't have to be in Hollywood to do it yay!!!!

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Aerick Ravenheart
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Post by Aerick Ravenheart »

I was under the impression that they will have ES LDD there by what a seller at a flea market told me. Maybe I am wrong, but I hope not I want an Edward doll....bad.(crosses fingers)
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Post by abreeskye »

Aerick Ravenheart wrote:I was under the impression that they will have ES LDD there by what a seller at a flea market told me. Maybe I am wrong, but I hope not I want an Edward doll....bad.(crosses fingers)


Maybe they got confused with the san diego comic con or something..although...i would LOVE to get one there...

But....from what I can find...its a SDCC exclusive....40 bucks...

And...there's something about them offering it to club mez members, and something about there being a Hot Topic exclusive edward...
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Post by tat2jay »

i just found out that halley mills cant make it cuz her dad died, but i think i may try to get out to this for a while - one of the guys here at work is an organizer - might try to score a pass :D
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Post by toyguytn »

Aerick Ravenheart wrote:I was under the impression that they will have ES LDD there by what a seller at a flea market told me. Maybe I am wrong, but I hope not I want an Edward doll....bad.(crosses fingers)

I am probably the flea market guy you are talking about. Sorry if I left the impression that the LDD ed is going to be at this show. He isn't. He will be premiering at SDCC as was said by someone before. The confusion probably came from the fact that I will be going to both cons and will be bringing back some of the exclusives including several Eds with me. Sorry again about the confusion.

Now back to Adventurecon

The final guest list is settled. At the show this year will be:

Michael Kingma-General Tarfful
Kenny Baker-R2D2
Lou Ferrigno-The Incredible Hulk
Robert Englund- Freddy Krueger
Adam West-Batman, The Mayor of Quahog
John Rhys Davies- Gimli
Donna Douglas-Elly May Clampett
Jackson Bostwick-Shazam
Matt Hardy- WWF wrestler

If you want any more info go to
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Aerick Ravenheart
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Post by Aerick Ravenheart »

toyguytn wrote:
Aerick Ravenheart wrote:I was under the impression that they will have ES LDD there by what a seller at a flea market told me. Maybe I am wrong, but I hope not I want an Edward doll....bad.(crosses fingers)

I am probably the flea market guy you are talking about. Sorry if I left the impression that the LDD ed is going to be at this show. He isn't. He will be premiering at SDCC as was said by someone before. The confusion probably came from the fact that I will be going to both cons and will be bringing back some of the exclusives including several Eds with me. Sorry again about the confusion.

Now back to Adventurecon

The final guest list is settled. At the show this year will be:

Michael Kingma-General Tarfful
Kenny Baker-R2D2
Lou Ferrigno-The Incredible Hulk
Robert Englund- Freddy Krueger
Adam West-Batman, The Mayor of Quahog
John Rhys Davies- Gimli
Donna Douglas-Elly May Clampett
Jackson Bostwick-Shazam
Matt Hardy- WWF wrestler

If you want any more info go to

Ahh...okay I see now. Yeah, I got confused(and really excited). Well, hope to purchase a doll from you at Green Acres soon then. Thanks!
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Sir Diddimus
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Post by Sir Diddimus »

Hell YES!!!!

Kenny Baker!!!!!!!

*looks around for his R2 figures*
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