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From the Swamp to the Hills

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:37 pm
by Tampa_Nights
Greetings one and all.

I'm a 28 year old male currently residing in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, bracing my balls for another tropical storm. I may be moving to the Knoxville area within a year to be closer to family and also to attend U of T. I've visited up there a couple times and to my suprise I kind of liked it, so the experience shouldn't be too terrible.

Anyways my interests are in my profile, as well as myspace account info. I'll post pictures when I can/feel like it. I would describe myself as having a somewhat dark and cynical outlook on life, but I don't know if I qualify as a goth. And I dont care! I love goth nightclubs, and that's primarily why I joined, so I could meet new people to hang out with in my new town. I am also intensely interested in paranormal studies, and I'm sure this area has some great "haunted" sites to visit.

So there's me. If you want to add me to a myspace or a messenger, feel free.


Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:54 am
by Silent Huntress
Welcome. Hope you make it through the storm.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:06 am
by Midnight_Scarlet_Angel
Welcome to our cobwebby little corner of the universe.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:18 pm
by The Stormstress
Grrreetingz & Velcum! :twisted:

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:50 pm
by FreakySeekers
welcome to the freakyside of the family ~waves~


Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:32 pm
by Bone
Welcome to KnoxGothic!

Don't worry about being Goth or Not. Most here wouldn't consider themselves goth, they just love the people, the nights, or the music.
As far as the Paranormal stuff, the wife of one of my best friends who lives in Nashville, belongs to a ghost hunter group. If you end up moving this way, perhaps I can help hook you up with them.

Batton down the hatches and I hope the hurricanes miss ya.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:28 pm
by Mother Mo
Salutations! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:01 pm
by ArsenicAngel

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:10 pm
by Nigredo