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Konbonwa mina!
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:13 pm
by Jasper
Hallo everyone. Don't go by the title my japanese is regulated to a few words (most I learned from watching anime). I can prolly say just enough to get my rear kicked due to misspronuciations or just laughed at.
I am a knoxville native that has had the forums bookmarked and on my occasional to check list but never joined. I went to temple last night and met some really great people and thought I might as well make myself at home.
My real name is Michelle. I call myself the goth wanna be in my circle of friends cause I never consider myself truly anything but odd.
I am a graphic artist and a writer working on many different projects. I am going to school right now for my bachalors degree in literature but I honestly don't know want I want to do. I work as an insurance agent for pay but I think after I get my degree that will change as soon as I find myself doing something I love.
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:18 pm
by Paladin656
Jasper has arrived!
This is my friend that I was intro'ing around to anyone that remembers. Used to work with her. I hang around her so she can't be all that bad. (or am I not all that bad since she hangs around with me?)
Good impressions were made all around, and I'm going to try and turn her into a regular. Now if I could get the other two people I actually hang out with down here.
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:10 pm
by liz
welcome aboard.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:34 pm
by Asher
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:51 pm
by The Fallen
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:19 am
by Trouble aka T.
Welcome to The Other Side, Jasper. I hope your stay will be an enlightening one.
Hey Paladin ... How was O/our show to you last nite???
T. & a
"Send Lawyers, Guns and Money"
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:12 am
by Mother Mo
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 3:58 pm
by Paladin656
Stop the presses!
I had to re-read to be sure, but I can't belive Jasper didn't mention her obsessive-cumpulsive-would do anything for-love-talks about constantly favorite band.
Cruxshadows. *nods sagely*
You may now return to your welcoming.
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:27 pm
by junkie christ
Paladin656 wrote::!:
Stop the presses!
I had to re-read to be sure, but I can't belive Jasper didn't mention her obsessive-cumpulsive-would do anything for-love-talks about constantly favorite band.
Cruxshadows. *nods sagely*
You may now return to your welcoming.
well then she should already know one of their exmembers has a new band called spider lillies
and they are playing the first night of what is fetish here in knox this august.
and im djing that night as well. (/shameless plug)
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:32 pm
by Jasper
~EEK~ No Junkie, I didn't but i'm definitly going now that I know.
And sides I have lots of obsessions... CXS is just one of them. Get me off on any tangent and you'll see me act like that. You 've seen me do that for other topics Paladin.
Trouble: I thought it was very interesting. Wonder what's up for next sat.
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:05 pm
by Trouble aka T.
Trouble: I thought it was very interesting. Wonder what's up for next sat.
Thanks!!! I'm glad that you enjoyed U/us Saturday night ... WEG.
Unfortunately for you, W\we are going to Hot'lanta for The Skin2 Party this weekend. There are several Perv's & pervettes from Knox Vegas going to the show. Fell free to PM Me, if you & Paladin are interested in making a road trip this weekend. You do NOT want to miss Toby of The Purgatory Road Show "Inverted Suspensions" w\ His Lady, "d" on Friday @ 11pm @ The Jungle aka The Chamber on Chester Bridge Road in Atlanta.
Now, as far as what type of show's are currently scheduled @ Temple??? Due to the VERY RESTRICTIVE (no pun intended) Knox County Obscenity Laws, I am limited in the type of shows I can ADMINISTER @ Temple ie., No Impact Play aka floggings, spankings, single-tails, etc., etc.
I am currently performing "Fire & Ice" aka Wax Demos on Saturday nights, when possible. Along w\ a little Shirbari Rope Demo's occasionally "Thrown In" for Good Luck. Plus do NOT miss My Friend, Mr. Wulf, PERFECT His Skills as a Superior Rigger.
Matter of Fact, BOTH of Us, are ALWAYS looking for Our NEXT victim to appear. Feel free to be Brave & ask Us to EXECUTE Our Skills on you. You NEVER Know What "AWAITS you" ... just ask "a" ... WEG.
In addition, please attend & support "What is Fetish 2.5" on August 25th AND 26th @ Temple. W\we will be previewing O\our next type of Public Play at this time. Just be careful, O/our next type of show could set your azz "On-Fire"
Sorry for My Shameless Plugs during this post ....
BUT Free Advertisement for O\our Shows, My Performing F/friends & The Kinky Community .... amongst F\friends???
And she whispered to Me in the darkness as W\we lay together,
"Tell me where to touch You so i can drive you insane.
Tell me where to touch You to give You ultimate pleasure.
Tell me where to touch You so that i will truly own Your soul."
And I kissed her softly and whispered back, "Touch My Mind"
poem written for "a"
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:35 pm
by Jasper
Trouble: I'lll keep that in mind when I become braver in what I allow myself do in public.
As for the show can't afford Hot'lanta this short notice but I know someone who's there who may be interested, in going. Passing on the word now.