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Had to share this

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:08 pm
by MMD

A brilliant and overdue use of the net.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:09 pm
by Celestial Dung
As a reading book list it's a great ideas, as an actual study course not so crazy much.

I fiddled around with the Anthropology section and found some good reads out of it. The study sheets were a bit laughable and the assignments, while applicable, felt empty when I realized that nobody was going to lok at them and give criticism, grading, or even a lucky gold star.

I think what this might be good for is reading groups. Or study group0s. Or some sort of group of people that want to educate themselves more on a subject and gang up to give each other support and criticism. Discussions even.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:23 am
by Hardcoregirl
When I was in college I was surprised at how little we used the expensive text books we were required to buy.

This seems really cool, but just for the one medical anthro class, it has the handouts and discussion questions but you'd still have to go buy the texts I suppose (unless I just was looking at the wrong thing).

So I guess if you want the extra stuff like discussion questions its good, but if you want the info you still have to buy the books.