as many grean beans as you and company can eat .
one or two Thai chilis or Habenerros a serrano will work if you are not fond of hot stuff
It is real improtant that you use a hot pepper or it just doesn't live up to the name evil grean beans
At least two cloves of garlic more if you like garlic less if you don't, you vampires can leave out the garlic if you must.
Dark VirginOlive oil about 3/4 of a cup to 1/2 cup depending on how many beans you have.
Balsamic vinegar just 1/8th of a teaspoon will do you can add more or a lot if your a big fan of it.
Shredded parmsean, just a tablespoon will do but who can resist not adding more.
Get some water boiling, (if you want the beans to have an odd glow add some tumeric to the water)
and go through the beans and cut the ends off and any spots that do not look edible. Then wash them in a coliander(you don't want to eat any dirt lol) put them in the boiling water you will want them to boil for about 15 minutes I never time them just get a fork and pull one out let it cool and eat it. If it is the texture that you would like well then you pour them thorugh the coliander and add our secret evil sauce that you made while they were boiling muhahaa lol
Sauce Instructions
put on your rubber gloves, and cut your pepper(s) in half and cut off the stems. Then brush all of the seeds iout and throw away the seeds.
Next peel the Garlic and roughly chop put the peppers, garlic, Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar into the blender and blend well. pour this over your beans and toss, add the shredded parmesan over the top and serve
This is what I'm having with my corn here in nebraksa this evening for supper lol