Hey... your poll answers are unfair! What if 2 of them apply to you? *harumph*
Anyhoo, I've had quite a few experiences w/ hauntings, although I also believe that although we don't have the technology/knowledge now, someday science will explain what hauntings really are. I'm not exactly convinced that hauntings are caused by spirits, but some other (probably electromagnetic) cause.
I believe there are truly haunted places, but not so sure about "ghosts." It makes little sense, I know. But in all my experiences, I have never come across a supernatural entity with any sentience, so I'm loathe to say that there are spirits flitting about.
However, some haunting phenomena has already been explained by quantum physics, such as historical hauntings (in which a person or event replays over and over with no change) which are now believed to be actual light particles caught within a tiny, infinitesimal rift of time-space, which are "kicked" into action (made visible) by jumps in the earth's geomagnetics, sun flares, or even thunderstorms. This theory becomes very credible indeed when you realize that historical hauntings are usually only visible from two directions, directly 180 degrees opposite of each other. These hauntings are only 2 dimensional, therefore becoming highly probable that it is a form of natural hologram.
I know, it's really dry stuff. Sorry.
But, for the poll, I pick #1 and #4.

Ancora imparo. -- Michaelangelo