i just wanted everyone to know that my dog is SOOOOOOO pregnant, it's ridiculous. due in a few days and all she can do is just lay around and be pregnant. she'll walk like 5 steps, and then have to lay down for a while. then my other dog comes running in being all little, cute and dumb and jumps on her because he wants to play. so she'll get up just long enough to shooo him away, lay down and continue to be so fucking pregnant that i think there is actually a 3rd world country in there. soooooooo pregnant.
i realize that this is prolly the most random and pointless thought of the day. but i just had to share it.
so fucking pregnant.
'some men wouldn't know a good thing when they found it, even if it sat on their face!'
'every time i orgasm, a faery gets her wings.'
My dog is all kinds of not pregnant she runs around and jumps up and down not impeded by the forces of reproduction. She was once pregnant, and had 6 puppies, but now she's so not fucking pregnant, and her she's gone back to her girlish figure. I need to get her fixed, so she'll never be "so fucking pregnant" again.