
Knoxville restaurant reviews. Where do you like to eat? Where do you hate?
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Lost Traveler
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Post by Lost Traveler »

The new Italian place on Bearden hill under Wasabi's where the Kitchen Kettle use to be.

I'll try to keep this simple

Very nice tasting food (some of it was different from what I like, but it was still good)

WAY! Tooooooo expensive

You can get stuff as good sometimes better at a lot lower prices (in fact I can figure thats the whole point to the place, you go in spend a lot of mone and feel like youve been to a upscale resturant :shrug: ) almost everywhere in town.

Calimary (they use some gussied up name) $8.95 ( and honestly the white sauce at OG is way better)

Twin Fillet scampi style (steak and shrimp) $19.25 (the cheapest steak dish) Again very tasty but for 4 oz?! it was served with tuscon potato's (really good plain potatos) and some green beans (very fresh)

My dad got strip flourintene (sp) $19.50 and I got to taste was a steak well cooked (and thats about it you could have gotten it anywhere)

Mom got chillian bass $18.50 (I think also the cheapest fish dish, not sure though)

Again all very good, but I dont believe worth those prices.
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Post by Onibubba »

I'm with you LT. When I eat out, it is usually someplace Indian/Asian. Why? Even upscale Indian or Thai is cheaper than an upscale Italian or seafood or steak place. Also, I can grill a steak. I can buy an awesome cut for half the price of a Ruth's Chris and grill it to my definition of perfection. I cannot, as much as I may try, make a curry anything like the best that I have had at Thai or Indian restaurants.

If I am going to pay the major bones at a restaurant, it is most likely going to be sushi.

Thanks for the review. I've been curious about that place and Puleo's. I assumed they were pricey mediocre food and now I know. I always assumed that Bravo's had some connection with the folks at PF Chang - Upscale in looks, average in taste.
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