Accidentally Sold SoM CDs from Pawn Shop

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Accidentally Sold SoM CDs from Pawn Shop

Post by aridaine »

A few months ago, I pawned my entire Sisters of Mercy CD collection at Check Pawn on Merchants Road/Clinton Highway. Due to a computer glitch or a person glitch, these CDs were put out for sale anywhere from three to one week ago. Some of these CDs will be nearly impossible to replace as they were singles, imports, and bootlegs. If anyone knows who may have bought them or if anyone knows anything about them, please private message me. Out of 18 CDs I was able to recover 4. They sold for apporximately $2.99 to $4.99 each. I would like to negotiate getting them back as they are very dear to me. I have spent 13 yrs collecting those CDs.

Any help would be appreciated.


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