my band (black meat) will be playing in knoxville 0ct 27th

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my band (black meat) will be playing in knoxville 0ct 27th

Post by rec|use »

at the pilot light
opening for

indian jewelry
maxi and the pads

i dunno how much it costs
i imagine not much considering my previous experiences with the pilot light

i guess you'll probably wanna be there around 9:30 if you wanna check it out

in the mean time
you can view a few pics
hear a track
and see all of our upcoming dates
by going to the black meat myspace page

our webpage is

not much content there just our previous dates
and upcoming ones
the site is being built slowly but surely

it would be nice to see some of you there
put some names to faces
have some little chit chat and southern hospitality

i'd rather be your enemy than hear you call me friend
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Post by rec|use »

reviews of black meat at the 804 noise fest in richmond va last weekend

Black Meat- there were lots of fast sounds moving around. they hurt my ears. it was awesome.

* Black Meat - loud, nasty, AND complex

Black Meat - Harsh pissed off PE/noise. I couldn't believe Travis was unplugging and re-plugging effects and it still sounded burly.

come show some love fuckers
i'd rather be your enemy than hear you call me friend
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