... ed_by_haze
Oook, that seriously has to be some of the stupidest shit i've heard in my entire lifetime, my lifetime that'll be dramatically shortened by this insane shit if it's set into motion. Don't they think we've caused enough fucking damage? Now they're gonna attempt to reverse it, and freeze/choke us out in the process? LET THE SHIT BE. Even if it's a last resort, it should never happen. Hmm, lessee... fry alive, or smother on contaminants n have your respiratory system burnt out? Which way you wanna go out?

Short-term exposures to high levels of sulfur dioxide can be life-threatening. Exposure to 100 parts of sulfur dioxide per million parts of air (ppm) is considered immediately dangerous to life and health. Previously healthy nonsmoking miners who breathed sulfur dioxide released as a result of an explosion in an underground copper mine developed burning of the nose and throat, breathing difficulties, and severe airway obstructions. Long-term exposure to persistent levels of sulfur dioxide can also affect your health. Lung function changes have been observed in some workers exposed to 0.4–3.0 ppm sulfur dioxide for 20 years or more. However, these workers were also exposed to other chemicals, making it difficult to attribute their health effects to sulfur dioxide exposure alone. Additionally, exercising asthmatics are sensitive to the respiratory effects of low concentrations (0.25 ppm) of sulfur dioxide.
Yeah, I should probably add a yahoo news link into my signature... lol