I'm giving it another chance, and I like the improvements. The pilot episode just made me want to scream at the imaginary people behind the glass and throw stuff. Lately however, it's actually grown some plot.
My favorite character for now is Hiro, just because he's the only one who actually seems to enjoy having super powers. The writers have a good eye and ear for comic fans.
"Understand the procedure now? Just stop a few of their machines...throw them into darkness for a few hours and then sit back and watch the pattern. They pick the most dangerous enemy they can find and it's themselves."----Rod Serling
Yeah, been watching this one too, and liking it a lot. I actually called the younger brothers power on the 1st episode, but I am STILL trying to figure out exactly what is up with the mom, I'm hoping it's something very original. I also love that they basically made Wolverine into a cute 16 year old cheerleader.
Ook, Ook, and away!
“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.â€
I just saw that on Sunday they will be airing a Heroes "marathon" of the shows that have aired thus far. Not sure what time it starts, but it is on NBC.
You know, in case you want to get started from the beginning.
Could a Global Mod please add *spoiler warning* to the title?
"I swear, by my pretty, floral bonnet, I WILL END YOU"
A marathon?! Yay! I won't be so confused anymore! I saw the last episode, where the two guys are on the train, and the guy (I think his name is Hiro) shows up from the future. So very confused, at this point...
I think i would be into this show, i can just never sit still long enough whilest its on. I also wanna start from the first and watch all at once.
They're on Indemand, and Z watches anytime its on...i've just got so much stuff to do...perhaps i'll make it a point to sit and watch em all this weekend.
Any one wanna tell me about it? I'm going to catch the clips on the NBC website later.
I would probably forget something important if I tried to run it all down for ya...can you watch it online? I think they put the whole episodes, and the 2 minute replays up at nbc.com...
I thought this weeks episode was great, and next weeks looks to be even BETTER. Alot of people bitched about the romantic part of this week's episode...Matt (the cop guy) romancing his wife and all...but, I feel like, hey, you have to see the characters as people in order to get more into them. The romance part doesn't bother me if it doesn't consume the whole show, lol.
Yeah, I saw it yesterday. I LOVE how everything is starting to come together.
I keep wondering why they have to "Save the Cheerleader" to save the world. I think that Peter is going to absorb some of all of their powers, and that he is the one that is going to do the big saving of everyone. So, I guess if he has some of her's than he makes it through.................?
"I swear, by my pretty, floral bonnet, I WILL END YOU"