How'd you get your screen name?

forum for those that like conversation so mindless that their braincells pop like a confetti bomb at a strippers birthday party

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How stupid is this thread?

Not at all. Nosy questions are fun fun fun!
How dare you ask me such a personal question? *harumph*
2%, it's my naptime. Buh bye.
It's dumb. So are you.
...the voices tell me not to answer. That, and to go pick my butt.
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Derk Jyslexic
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long story..

Post by Derk Jyslexic »

I was playing dive fard craw in Vegas, with a Door of fireman's, Spore of fades, Whore of farts, Hate of Arts, and a Spate of AIDS.
Ready as a stock, I raised 20 K.
I was in well with that full house till somone showed a Hen of tarts, backed by the Space of aids and all his buddies.
Needless to say, it was a blushing crow!
I was pissed- "Where'd you get that assed lace?"
"You have very mad banners to ask."
"I've been bye alling you, and you cheated!"
"Thats a lack of pies."
"Reeeallllly then? Perhaps you'd understand bettter if you hadn't hissed the mystery lecture on height of sand."
"Go nick your pose!"
"Cosy little nook!"
"Cuck my sock!"
"Eep it cup, and next time you see a movie, you'll have to eat cop porn thru a straw."
"Care to take a step outside, you bowel feast?
"I dont shive a git. Go help me sod, I wanted to smack somone silly."

So at the lead of spite,
-and this is the pun fart-
I ended up lighting a fire, peating him to a bulp and taking his mad bunny.

Wham- Dare was I going with this??
Seraph Antaine
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Post by Seraph Antaine »

Seraph: from Hebrew, a Celestial Knight (Angel) of the highest order (plural: Seraphim). The root of the word implies an angel bringing fire. The Archangels Michael and Gabriel are the great captains of the Seraphim.

Antaine (an-teh-nay, or an-teh-nee): Gaelic form of the very fine Greek name Anthony (my name), meaning priceless in that language, proof that at least my mother loves me.

Why?... If you could choose a name for yourself, what would you choose? P-Diddy? Naw! You'd try to choose the perfect expression or description of your ideal you. I know it sounds high-and-mighty, but, if you knew me, you'd know it comes from the deepest reverence and humility. :jesus:
"Let not man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and the worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind..."

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Post by Mina »

When the movie came out years ago...I was in a "love triagnle" of sorts....and as life sometimes does, it imitated the movie....therefore, I became "Mina" to my "Vlad"....and like Mina, I had a choice and poor "Johnathon Harker" didn't stand a chance....UNlike Mina, I did not kill my love....although I sometimes wish I had ;) :twisted:....but if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here....I choose Mina because it is me, and the other sn I use just doesn't fit here...
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Post by Thrall »


1. originally, a slave or bondman. 2. a person in moral or psychological bondage. (webster's new world dic. of the american lauguage)

that pretty well covers.oh yes and i was making fun of a friend's pretentiousness
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Post by pryjmaty »

I originally thought of using Morticia.....for ovious reasons.
But the more I thought about it, the more it just didn't work. I wanted something that was very personal to me. Morticia just wasn't personal enough. I do still like it when I'm called that though.

LadyIvanna: My real name is Shawn; which is the Irish version of the English John. My heritage is Russian. Ivan is the Russian John......since I'm female, I took the feminine form of Ivan......thus
I'm Jewish. I don't work out. If god had wanted us to bend over, she would have put diamonds on the floor.
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Post by BearDragonLady »

can be summed up in one word or less :P... tattoos
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Post by creapyrob »

Buttercup wrote:
LOL...oooh...I feel *so* betrayed...;)

:buttercup: I"M SO SORRY!!!! Don't punish me PLEASE!!! :whip:

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Post by ReddErin »

Mine is pretty boring.

My first email account was through Korrnet. I tried to get "Erin" and it was taken. Then I tried to get "Red," because that was a nickname at the time (I didn't really like it, but, eh...). Of course, that was not available. But, "Redd" was. So, that was my email for a bit.

Then I decided to get a Hotmail account. Redd was already taken. So, I got ReddErin. That's about it. It's my username for 7 years or so now. I've only run into one other person using that was on some role playing site. They named their character ReddErin. I thought that was pretty lame. Most people are lame, though. That's why I like to stay at home.
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Post by celticsmith »

Celtic : by heritage, philosophical inclination, Religious and historical study,.........and I just plain like it.

Smith: the shaper of metals and guardian of the metal magics. Highly revered in the celtic cultures since there are the source of weapons and trinkets for personal adornment. Two things of great importance.

Thus, most of what I am is described by the name.

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Post by Mandryl »

I got mine 'cause I'm a blue-assed monkey!
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Post by briarus »

kinda long but here we go

"Uranus was the god of the sky and heaven. The incestuous relationship between him and his mother, Gaea, led to the birth of many children. This union would produce 6 males, Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Iapatus, and Oceanus. 6 females, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Tethys, Theia and Themis.

There would however also be born of this union 3 cyclops, creatures with a single eye in the center of their foreheads, Arges, Brontes and Steropes. there would also be 3 monsters, Briarus, Cottus and Gyges, all creatures with 100 eyes, 100 arms and 50 heads. Uranus was so horrified at these creatures that he shut all the offspring away in the underworld known as Tartarus. "

it kinda felt right with all the different personas you end up with online and the more i read about briarus and his bros. the more i relate.
other spellings for briarus: briarius, Briareus, and for something a little different... Ægæon
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Post by The Fallen »

briarus wrote:there would also be 3 monsters, Briarus, Cottus and Gyges, all creatures with 100 eyes, 100 arms and 50 heads.

You mean the hecatonchires of course :P~
Oh sad is the world. but I have Kavorkian's scarf.
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Post by Sir Diddimus »

Seraph Antaine wrote:Why?... If you could choose a name for yourself, what would you choose? P-Diddy? Naw! You'd try to choose the perfect expression or description of your ideal you.

That's how I came into my screenname. It was given to me by several friends of mine after watching Labyrinth. I changed the spelling to make it more of an individual thing. One of my friends who had never seen the movie before said that Sir Didymus reminded her of me, and those the name. Afterall, I am gallant, brave, romantic, and, of course, annoying at times.... :twisted:
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Post by briarus »

The Fallen wrote:
briarus wrote:there would also be 3 monsters, Briarus, Cottus and Gyges, all creatures with 100 eyes, 100 arms and 50 heads.

You mean the hecatonchires of course :P~

old syle and manga briareos
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Post by jenna »

Sir Diddimus wrote:Afterall, I am gallant, brave, romantic, and, of course, annoying at times.... :twisted:

and don't forget your sense of smell is very keen :twisted:
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Post by Malakelle »

Mine comes from my mind, no really, I usely go by viXey, but a girls got to change sometime, so I used the name my newest Malkavin is going by. Plus wanted to make my mommy think about who I was!!
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Post by razor »

razor is just a short form of RaZorHeaD which I came up with out of the blue about 10 years ago when I was playing alot of TradeWars on the local BBS's. My company name was Sharp Inc.

I had other names at the time, but that one I used on a couple of boards and for some reason is the one that stuck. Then.. when I got my first internet account with USIT back in the day... there was an 8 char limit on usernames so I went with razor.
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Post by JaNell »

It says "JaNell" on my birth certificate.
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Post by QueenOfTheFlock »

Shadow wrote:
QueenOfTheFlock wrote:QueenOfTheFlock is actually because of a certain wrestler that I love named Raven. Those of you who know him (X, Judas) know what's behind that....for the others I shall explain...Raven used to have a group or posse or whatever you want to call it and he used to call them his flock or Raven's Flock...I just wish I could have been queen of it. Yes, cheesy I know and it probably deducts any cool points from the name but it's the truth.

Mmmmmmmmmm Raven.
I do have to say tho, Billy Kidman looks better out of the flock tho.
Mmmmmmmmm Billy Kidman.

"drools over all her favorite large musclebound sweaty wrestlingmens"

While I completely agree that Kidman is bootyful, I've always been a Raven junkie...gimme more, gimme more!



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Post by MahoganyDawn »

Well lets see..


Name for my second V:tm character. She had the ritual where she could block all sunlight from entering a room. So..

MahoganyDawn - Dark Sunrise

May your dreams be the future you could have had, and your nightmares be the realization that you destroyed your chance to make it reality.
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