You're Morrigan. You aren't the kindest of the Goddesses. You're the ruler of war and death.Ravens resemble you're personality and you take 'pride in that'. I don't want to know what you do on you're spare time...
What Celtic Goddess are You?
Suzanne ~Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried~Mae West
You are Brid. You are creative and enjoy children. You're also a protector to many and you like others to be aware of your power. You also enjoy music and fire.
Interestingly, I just had a conversation about fire.... I am not so sure about children... I rather dislike them after some minutes..... I do like cats though.... I will see if I can get somone else.
You are Cerridwen. You're night-lover and enjoy the stars. You love magical things and creating new spells of the are weird.
Paste this code into your web page to show off your result to others:
Fashion is FOR Victims...-LT.
..The men in black, thier lips are sealed...-BOC
- Even your sins are retail- John Stewart
You're Morrigan. You aren't the kindest of the Goddesses. You're the ruler of war and death. Ravens resemble you're personality and you take 'pride in that'. I don't want to know what you do on you're spare time...
You're Blodeudd. You're name means flower-face (and for you slow people, that means pretty). You're sweet and kind on the outside, but you turn out unfaithful and often times a back stabber.
Oh sad is the world. but I have Kavorkian's scarf.
You are Morgan. You're kind of evil, but you're good at hiding it. You enjoy only the presence of yourself and fairies (yes, fairies). You control the river that takes the dead to the 'otherworld'.